In His Words
The Mouth and Mind of Leslie Griswold

April 1995

I would like to introduce Leslie Griswold, Canada's Ottawa representative of William Pierce's National Alliance, that you may all come to know him for what he is. The following excerpts are from a random selection of his UseNet postings of April 1995.

Well, bully for you. Ear wax isn't the ONLY feature that differentiates the races. There's (for example) blood type.

Are you REALLY so stupid as to believe that we have to admit that we're the same as Blacks because we have the same ear wax? Or that we're identical to Asians because SOME Whites have type B blood (usually a Mongolian trait)?


Liberals LOVE to go on about how "Whites beat Blacks too, so let's not hear about Black-on-White crime anymore!" As if a few isolated incidents equal the undeclared race war that the Black race is perpetrating on the White race! Just a few facts:


The point? Be a negrophilic suck-ass as much as you want, but when the Blacks start capping Whitey, they aren't gonna be asking about your politics; they're gonna know everything they need by lookiing at your melanin deprivation, ie you're White, you're the enemy.


I DO tell the truth. It's only whiny ninnies like yourself who can't accept it.


Really? It's too bad that most Blacks would rather concentrate on the OTHER three R's:

RAPIN' - of White women
RAPPIN' - to what can arguably be called "music"
RIOTIN' - and looting


So what is the nature of your disability? (besides being jewish, I mean)


Tell a jew that since the Torah is full of exhortations to commit genocide, they are under the same obligation to change it as Christians were under obligation to remove all references to jews as "Christ-killers" in the New Testament (this took place in the mid '70s). Or, tell 'em that they can't criticize the Spanish Inquisition, since those Christians were only following the word of God (or their interpretation).


Sorry to disappoint you, anonymous nigger, but any white woman who beds down with a neeegro is no Aryan.


You're also right, I read too fast. However, it's not "avoiding the issue" - the same objection arises if you want to talk specifically about non-White U.S. soldiers: it's the height of insanity to allow non-Whites to have access to guns and (especially) explosives. "Fragging" (tossing frag grenades at officers) was a Black vs. White phenomenon. Of course, now you're going to deny, deny, deny.


Right. It also happens to be true that White women are far and away more beautiful than non-White women.


Actually, blood types are usually, though not exclusively, peculiar to one group. Whites are generally type A, Orientals type B, Amerinds type O.


Cranial size is ONE indicator of what observation confirms: that non-Whites don't have the necessary upstairs equipment to compete with Whites. Oh well, anyone who would take Steven Jay Gould seriously...


And you might want to keep a lid on that " human soap" shit - no-one buys it anymore, not even hollow cause hucksters.


Think about it: Black women (Negroids) have coneheads, REALLY thick lips, yellow eyes, pendulous tits... ugh! How can ANYONE say, with a straight face, that Black women are beautiful by ANY standard?


Hey, chief, "native americans" have already been amply compensated. THEY'RE happy with their sattelite dishes, pickup trucks, snow-mobiles, welfare cheques... none of which, BTW, they would have developed on their own.


But jews aren't White to begin with (they may be white, but they're DEFINITELY not White).


I just love the reality-denial inherit in liberal arguments like the one above, ie "how would YOU like it if... ". Well, Jingar, the simple fact is, the US (and the whole White world) IS being taken over by an ethnic minority (and an extremely malevolent one at that), and they aren't even giving us satellite dishes, pick-up trucks, or anything else except compound interest and massive inflation. If you can't see THAT, you've got a hole in your head.


And when I hear senseless drivel coming from pathetic whites like you, I am moved to vomit.

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