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Last-Modified: 2001/02/27


"The action got completely out of hand of the Party member
responsible for it. The demonstrators stormed the palace,
beat in the gates and doors. About 150 to 200 people forced
their way into the palace, searched the rooms threw files
out of the window. One bed was ignited. The Bishop was with
Archbishop Groeber of Freiburg and the ladies and gentlemen
of his menage in the chapel at prayer. About 25 to 30 people
pressed into this chapel and molested those present.
Archbishop Groeber was taken for Bishop Sproll. He was
grabbed by the robe and dragged back and forth."


"It is conceivable that not all fellow citizens
(Volgenossen) might be able to understand sufficiently the
necessity for such measures, particularly not those parts of
the population who have no opportunity to draw a picture of
the Bolshevist horror from their own observation. In order
to be able to oppose the formation of any kind of rumours in
this connection, which often have a distinctly marked
tendency, the following statements on the present state of
affairs are made:

For about 2,000 years a so far unsuccessful fight has been
carried on against Jewry. It was only in 1933 that we began
to seek ways and means which will make possible a complete
separation of Jewry from the body of the German people. The
measures hitherto carried out for a solution can essentially
be subdivided as follows:

  1. The elimination of the Jews from the various walks of
  life of the German people. Here the laws proclaimed by
  the legislator are to constitute the foundation
  guaranteeing to protect also the future generations
  against a possible new overflowing by the enemy.
  2. The effort to expel the enemy completely from the
  Reich territory.
  In view of the only very limited living-space
  (Lebensraum) available for the German people it was hoped
  to solve this problem essentially by accelerating the
  emigration of the Jews.

Since the beginning of the war in 1939 these opportunities
for emigration decreased steadily and, on the other hand,
apart from the German people's living-space, its economic
sphere increased steadily so that today in view of the great
number of Jews residing in these territories, their complete
elimination is no longer possible by emigration. Since even
our next generation will no longer regard this question as
so vital, and by virtue of the past experiences, will no
longer see it clearly enough, and because the matter, which
after all has been started, presses for a settlement, the
entire problem must yet be solved by this generation.

Therefore, the complete segregation and elimination of the
millions of Jews residing in the European economic sphere
remains a compelling necessity in the German people's
struggle for existence. Starting with the Reich territory
and then going over to the other European countries included
in the final solution, the Jews will in a steady flow be
shipped to the East into large camps, which partly exist and
which partly will have yet to be set up, from where they
will be either used for labour or sent still farther to the
East. Old Jews as well as Jews with high war decorations
(Iron Cross First Class, Golden Badge for Bravery, etc.)
will in a steady stream be resettled in the city of
Theresienstadt located in the Protectorate of Bohemia and
Moravia. It is in the nature of the matter that these partly
very difficult problems will in the interests of the final
protection of our people, only be solved with ruthless


"All these tasks are crowded into the background by the
decisive question of national integration of the line south
of the Karawanks. This mission has been the guide of your
action . Party Member Rainer, it will be your mission to
make this country again completely German ... The German
language has to come more and more into the foreground in
public life ... in school the youth should receive German
education at once . Only when not only the exterior picture,
official signs, official language and labels are German, but
when finally the entire youth speaks German and the German
language has replaced the Slovenic language in the intimate
circle of the family, will we be able to speak of a
Germanization of Upper Karmiola."


"With the order for immediate notification down to the last
Blockleiter during the next service meetings ... I request
to charge the Blockleiter again to see to the removal of all
Slovenian inscriptions, billboards, posters, etc. The
district Pettau is the only one which already has all house
number plates in the German language. Therefore it must also
be possible to cause the disappearance of these last
remnants of Yugoslavian domination. I order the
Ortsgruppenleiter to see to it, through personal
conversation with the competent priest, that these Slovenian
inscriptions will also disappear immediately without
exception from all statues, chapels and churches. The
Ortsgruppenleiter are responsible, as before, that every
office-holder down to the last Blockleiter learns to speak
and write German."


Extract from Minutes of Staff Conference, 12th November,

"SS Col. Lurker alleges that about 2,000 persons were
transferred to Serbia, 400 persons were put into
concentration camps .... As a retaliation measure for the
last occurrences about 30 persons were shot."

Extract from Minutes of Staff Conference, 29th July, 1942:

"In the County of Cilli 105 executions by shooting and 362
arrests were carried out . The commander of the Security
Police will evacuate the prison in Cilli in the course of
the next two weeks. The prisoners are in part to be
transferred to other prisons, in part to be shot. In this
way the necessary space will be created for the carrying out
of a new large-scale operation."

Extract from Minutes of Staff Conference, 13th July, 1942:

"It can be counted on that half of those arrested, or about
200 persons, will be rendered harmless through delivery to a
concentration camp or through shooting."

Extract from Minutes of Staff Conference, 15th March, 1943:

"On 10th March, 1943, 25 active bandits were shot in Marburg
by special procedure, including a Catholic priest. 160
relatives of the bandits were transferred.


"The Reichsfuehrer SS has come to an arrangement with the
Reich Minister of Justice Thierack whereby the Justice
waives the execution of the usual penal procedure against
Poles and Eastern nationals. Those persons of alien race are
in future to be handed over to the police. Jews and gipsies
are to be treated in the same way .... This agreement is
based on the following considerations: Poles and Eastern
nationals are alien and racially inferior people living in
the German Reich territory .... In case of necessity,
however, there need be no hesitation in informing the
Gauleiter in suitable form."


"The text of the notifications is being variously worded, as
I was once more assured yesterday; it can, however,
naturally happen that sometimes two families living close to
each other receive similarly worded letters."


"Action begins in the near future. So far hardly any mishaps
have occurred; 30,000 dispatched. Further 100,000 to 120,000
are waiting. The circle of those who are initiated is to be
kept very small. If necessary the Kreisleiter is to be
notified in good time ... At present only clear cases, that
is 100 per cent ones, are being settled. Later an expansion
will take place. From now on notification will be given in a
more clever form ... Kreisleiter Sellmer must be informed."


"Strangely enough various relatives received notification
after the transportation that their patients had died. In
some cases pneumonia and in others an infectious disease was
given as the cause of death ... illnesses which had no
connection with the previous medical history .... The
population is terribly disturbed about the transfer of
patients ... Moreover the events described give the Church
and religious circles cause to revive their attitude against
National Socialism."


"The removal of patients of sanatoria and nursing homes to
other districts could not naturally remain hidden from the
people. It also appears that the Commissions which were
established work in too great haste and are not always lucky
and that many mistakes occur. Nor can one prevent individual
cases becoming known and spoken about. The following cases
should naturally not have occurred:
  (i) Through an oversight one family received two urns.
  (ii) One notification of death indicated appendicitis as
  the cause. But the appendix had already been removed ten
  years previously.
  (iii) Another cause of death quoted was a disease of the
  spinal cord. Relatives of the family had visited the
  patient, who was physically perfectly healthy, only eight
  days before.
  (iv) One family received a notification of death although
  the woman still lives in the institution today and enjoys
  perfect bodily health."


MacGrowther's case 1746, 18 State Trials, p. 391, Vol. 14,
English and Empire Digest, p. 67, cases No. 325.

" Prisoner, a lieutenant in the Duke of Perth's Regiment,
was charged with high treason for joining in the rebellion
and accepting a commission in the Pretender's service.
Prisoner contended that he was compelled to join the
rebellion through threats to burn his house and to lay waste
all that belonged to him. Held: Prisoner was guilty of
treason, the fear having houses burned or goods spoiled
being no excuse in the eye of the law for joining and
marching with rebels.

The only force that doth excuse is a force upon the person
and present fear of death, and this force and fear must
continue all the time the party remains with the rebels. It
is incumbent on every man, who makes force his defence, to
show an actual force and that he quitted the service as soon
as he could. (Lee, C. J.)."


Vol.I. East, p. 70 and R. V. Tyler 1838, 8 C & C 616.

"In the chapter in which he deals with the exemption created
by compulsion or necessity, he thus expresses himself:

If a man be desperately assaulted and in peril of death and
cannot otherwise escape unless, to satisfy his assailant's
fury, he will kill an innocent person then present, the fear
and actual force will not acquit him of the crime and
punishment of murder, if he commit the act, for he ought
rather to die himself than kill an innocent; but, if he
cannot otherwise save his own life, the law permits him in
his own defence to kill the assailant, for by the violence
of the assault, and the offence committed upon him by the
assailant himself, the law of nature and necessity hath made
him his own protector cum debito moderamine inculpatae
tutelae." (Hales Pleas of the Crown, Vol. I, p. 51.)


English and Empire Digest, Vol. 14, p. 78, case No. 455, R.
V. Tyler.

"A, who was insane, collected a number of Persons together
who armed themselves, having a common purpose of resisting
the lawfully constituted authorities; A having declared that
he would cut down any constables who came against him. A, in
the presence of C and D, two of the persons of his party,
afterwards shot an assistant of a constable who came to
apprehend A under a warrant.

Held: C and D were guilty of murder as principals in the
first degree, and any apprehension that C and D had of
personal danger to themselves from A was no ground of
defence for continuing with him after he had so declared his


"During the early part of the struggle for power, the SA
constituted a private army for carrying out the orders of
the Nazi Party. Without doubt the SA, as far as the so-
called taking of power is concerned, took a dominating role.
Without the SA Hitler would never have come to power ...
Whoever had not entirely made up his mind had it made up for
him by the SA. Their methods were primitive but effective.
One learned the new Hitler salute very quickly when on the
pavement beside every SA marching column ... a few stalwart
SA men went along giving pedestrians a crack on the head if
they failed to perform the correct gesture at least three
steps ahead of the SA flag, and these Storm-troopers acted
the same way in all things. The chronicle of that private
army is certainly dramatic. It teemed with beerhall brawls,
street fights, knifings, shootings and fist fights,
altogether a mad rough-and-tumble affair ...."


"Until the Gestapo could be organized on a national scale
the thousands of local SA meeting-places became 'the arrest
points.' There were 50 at least of these in Berlin.
Communists, Jews and other known enemies of the Nazi Party
were taken to these points and if they were enemies of
sufficient importance they were immediately transferred to
the Gestapo H.Q. When the Nazi Party won the elections in
March, 1933, on the morning of the 6th the accumulated
passion blew off in wholesale attacks on Communists, Jews
and those who were suspected of being either. Mobs of SA men
roamed the streets, beating up, looting and even killing
persons ...."


"The SA as well as the SS are to be employed for the
occupation of trade union properties and for the taking into
protective custody of personalities who come into question.
The Gauleiter is to proceed with his measures on a basis of
the closest understanding with competent regional factory
cell directors." (Circular letter from the Supreme
Directorate of the Political Organization, 21st April,


"In the morning we found out what had happened in Munich.
'Now a revolution will also be made in Nuremberg,' we said.
All of a sudden the police came from the Maxtor Guard and
told us that we should go home, that the Putsch in Munich
had failed. We did not believe that and we did not go home
... One of us then shouted 'Let us go to the Cafe Habsburg!'
By the time we arrived, however, the police again had
everything surrounded .... Then the police started to beat
us up. Then we divided into small groups and roamed through
the town and whenever we caught a Red or a Jew we knew a
fist fight ensued. Then in the evening we marched, although
the police had forbidden it, to a meeting in Furth. During
the promenade again the police attempted to stop us ....
They did not trust themselves to attack, for what would a
blood bath have meant?"
(Der S.A. Mann, 30th October, 1937.)

SAMAN - Page 274

"The SA man has been branded so often by the foreign Press
as the 'bearer of a barbaric and uncivilized race struggle'
that I consider it my duty to say especially to this
audience a few words on this subject ... Our chief concern
is not combating other races, but the preservation of our
own ... Our racial consciousness is the basis of our
national consciousness and is fundamentally in no way
related to race hatred. The awkward position into which
Jewry has brought itself in Germany, the country of its
adoption, is its own fault. The German has always been known
for his hospitality ... And only because of this have the
countless crimes committed by the Jews against the German
people remained unpunished for such a long period of time.
Now that our patience has been exhausted beyond the point of
endurance we cannot very well be blamed for keeping away
burdensome guests. I need not tell you anything about the
value of news reports under the headline 'Persecutions of
Jews by bands of SA men'." -(Speech of Chief of Staff to
Diplomatic Corps and deputies of foreign Press, 24th
January, 1936.)


"German women finally wake up and do not buy any more from
Jews. And you German girl, also finally wake up and do not
go with Jews any longer ... Snake remains a snake and Jew
remains a Jew. And you German girl, you give your best, your
honour and your blood to one of a strange race? Are you not
ashamed of yourself?" - (Der Sturmer, 27th July, 1935.)


"The History, Work, Aim and Organization of the Stormtroops
of the Fuehrer and the Supreme SA H.Q.," by SA Sturmfuehrer
Dr. Ernst Bayer.

"The operational main office of the basis of the SA Sports
Badge must prepare the fighting training of the bodies of
all Germans capable of bearing arms, and as preparation
thereafter must organize the execution of corporal exercises
and sports purposes, so that the widest stratum of the
population is laid hold upon and will be kept in condition
of bearing arms both physically and spiritually as well as
ideologically in character up to the greatest old age."


"I was at the H.Q. of Comrade Henlein. The SA did give
support to that Free Corps, on the one hand, by giving to
the Free Corps SA men who served on Border Control service
of the SA. That was for the SA men nothing but a mere border
control protection measure."


Letter from Chief of Sipo and SD, 9th November, 1941:

The commandants of the concentration camps are complaining
that 5 to 10 per cent of the Soviet Russians destined for
execution are arriving in the camps dead or half dead.
Therefore the impression has arisen that the Stalags are
getting rid of such prisoners in this way. It was
particularly noted that, when marching, for example, from
the railway station to the camp, a rather large number of
prisoners of war collapsed on the way from exhaustion,
either dead or half dead, and had to be picked up by a truck
following the convoy. It cannot be prevented that the German
people take notice of these occurrences. Even if the
transportation to the camps is generally taken care of by
the Wehrmacht, the population will still attribute this
situation to the SS."


Affidavit of Szloma Gol:

"Thereupon the SA men threw chains into the pit and the
Sturmfuehrer ordered the Jewish foreman (for we were a
working party) to fasten the chains on us. The chains were
fastened round both ankles and round the waist. They weighed
2 kilos each and we could only take small steps when wearing
them. We wore them permanently for six months. The SA said
that if any man removed the chains he would be hanged. The
four women (who worked in the kitchen) were not chained.

We dug up altogether 68,000 bodies. I know this because two
of the Jews in the pit with us were ordered by the Germans
to keep count of the bodies: that was their sole job. The
bodies were mixed - Jews, Polish priests, Russian prisoners
of war. Amongst those that I dug up I found my own brother.
I found his identification papers on him. He had been dead
two years when I dug him up, because I knew that he was in a
batch of 10,000 Jews from Vilna ghetto who were shot in
September, 1941.

The procedure for burning the bodies was absolutely
methodical. Parallel ditches 7 metres long were dug. Over
these a square platform of boards was laid. A layer of
bodies was put on top, the bodies had oil poured on them and
then branches were put on top and over the branches logs of
wood. Altogether fourteen such layers of bodies and fuel
were put on each pyre. Each pyre was shaped like a pyramid
with a wooden funnel sticking up through the top. Petrol and
oil were poured down the funnel and incendiary bombs put
round the edge of the pyre. All this work was done by us
Jews. When the pyre was ready the Sturmfuehrer himself or
his assistant Legal (also in the SA) personally lit the pyre
with a burning rag on the end of a pole.

The work of digging up the graves and building the pyres was
supervised and guarded by about 80 guards. Of these over 50
were SA men in brown uniforms, armed with pistols and
daggers and automatic guns (the guns being always cocked and
pointed at us). The other 30 guards consisted partly of
Lithuanians and partly of SD and SS. In the course of the
work the Lithuanian guards themselves were shot, presumably
so that they should not say what had been done. The
commander of the whole place was the SA officer Murer (the
expert on Jewish questions), but he only inspected the work
from time, to time. The SA officer Legal actually commanded
on the spot. At night our pit was guarded by 10 or 12 of
these guards."


Members of the Waffen SS in the Head Offices (excluding the
Operational H.Q. of the SS High Command)

SS Head Office                                    9,349

Racial and Settlement Head Office of the SS

SS Economic and Administrative Head Office (WVHA)

Personal Staff of the Reichsfuehrer SS       673

SS Personal Head Office                      170

Head Office, SS Court of Justice             599

Bureau of SS Obergruppenfuehrer Reissmeyer (Education-
Ideology)                                  553

Reich Commissar for the Consolidation of German Folkdom
(Staff Head Office)                          304

Reich Commissar for the Consolidation of German Folkdom
(Head Office of the Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle Central
Office for
Persons of German Race                       987



"Candidates are extremely thoroughly examined and checked,"
wrote Himmler. " Of 100 men, we can use on the average 10 to
15, no more. We ask for the political reputation record of
his parents, brothers and sisters the record of his
ancestors as far back as 1750, and naturally physical
examination and his record in the Hitler Youth .... Last,
but perhaps most important, is a certificate from the Race
Commission . composed of SS leaders, anthropologists and
physicians ..."


In 1937 Himmler said: "In the end only good blood can
achieve the greatest enduring things. Strengthened by this
conviction of mine, I began to work on this problem. It
means that actually only good blood, according to our
reading of history, is to be considered as the leading
creative element in every State, and in particular, of all
military activity, that is to say, only Nordic blood. I said
to myself that should I succeed in selecting from the German
people for this organization as many as possible who possess
this desired blood, and in teaching them military discipline
and the understanding of the value of blood and the entire
ideology resulting from it, then it would be possible
actually to create such an elite organization as would
successfully hold its own in all cases of emergency."


Measures for the further transfer of populations.

As many quarters express themselves against the transfer of
populations, on the grounds that it causes too much unrest
among the foreigners, thus disturbing production, the
following measures have been decided upon

1. Verbal propaganda will spread news about the
discontinuation of those transfers.

2. No authority will announce anything before the actual
moment when the transfer of populations is to be carried
out. Planning to be done secretly.

3. The time for immigration will be fixed for after the
spring tilling of the fields, so that the foreigners will
carry out the cultivation of the land and the new settlers
will be able to make use of the harvest. This has the
advantage that, under the above-mentioned presuppositions,
the foreigners will till their fields in all districts,
while the German settlers will not run the danger, in view
of the shortness of the time, of possibly being hindered in
their spring work.

4. The transfer of Poles should be carried out in such a
manner that the good elements are put, as much as possible
voluntarily, in districts cleared by the Security Police,
and the, transfer is entitled "The Establishment of Security
in the Partisan districts." The bad elements will be taken
away gradually, where they are not employed as auxiliary

5. The announcement of the time of immigration will be made
only on the day of the transfer of population.

6. All villages will be occupied in advance by the
"Landwacht" (country guard) in all parts of the organization
formed by settlers who, having received previous training,
are to save the use of our own SS forces.

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