The Nizkor Project: Remembering the Holocaust (Shoah)

Shofar FTP Archive File: camps/auschwitz/auschwitz.xref

Archive/File: camps/auschwitz auschwitz.xref

This file is the result of a simple pattern search through existing
Holocaust archives on February 1, 1993. It isn't very useful, but it's
better than nothing, and may help you locate specific information without
having to request files blindly. knm.
14f13.01:shall observe, close to that of selections in Auschwitz. That same
14f13.02:<16>  Langbein, Menschen in Auschwitz (Vienna: Eropaverlag, 1972), p. 114

about.ihr:       were  gassed in gas-chambers at Auschwitz";
about.ihr:> 5. Auschwitz was in Poland, not Germany. Is there any proof that gas
about.ihr:> Auschwitz?
about.ihr:> evidence. Auschwitz, captured by the Soviets, was extensively modified
about.ihr:all other Auschwitz survivors have sustained relating to the $50,000 reward
about.ihr:offer for proof that 'Jews were gassed in gas chambers as Auschwitz'."
about.ihr:  notice of the fact that Jews were gassed to death at the Auschwitz
about.ihr:  Auschwitz Study Foundation, Inc.
about.ihr:  apologize to Mr. Mel Mermelstein, a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and
about.ihr:  Buchenwald, and all other survivors of Auschwitz for the pain, anguish and
about.ihr:  suffering he and all other Auschwitz survivors have sustained relating to
about.ihr:  Auschwitz".
about.ihr:Mermelstein, a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Buchenwald, an exclusive
about.ihr:were gassed in gas chambers at Auschwitz'" "and further stating that if Mr.
about.ihr:Mermelstein contended he was a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and
about.ihr:his mother and two sisters were gassed to death at Auschwitz; and knew, or
about.ihr:lured and driven into the gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau, which he later
about.ihr:  notice of the fact that Jews were gassed to death at the Auschwitz
about.ihr:     "WHEREAS, Mr. Mermelstein and other survivors of Auschwitz contend that
about.ihr:Mermelstein, a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Buchenwald Concentration
about.ihr:sisters who also were inmates of Auschwitz;
about.ihr:Mermelstein and other survivors of Auschwitz to suffer severe emotional
about.ihr:apologize to Mr. Mel Mermelstein, a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and
about.ihr:Buchenwald, and all other survivors of Auschwitz for the pain, anguish and
about.ihr:suffering he and all other Auschwitz survivors have sustained relating to
about.ihr:They are teaching our new generation that the chumneys of Auschwitz were
about.ihr:Auschwitz-Berkenau.  That Dachau was a peaceful town within Nazi Germany and
about.ihr:     As one who survived the infernos of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Buchenwald,
about.ihr:October to be held at Auschwitz.  Perhaps some of these "prestigious"
about.ihr:that Jews were gassed in gas-chambers at Auschwitz.

about.smith:the Gas Chambers or, The Rumor of Auschwitz," which inspired Smith. He

adl.ihr:French writer Robert Faurisson's _The Rumor of Auschwitz_; _Did Six

anne.frank:upon the group's arrival at Auschwitz-Birkenau, September 6, 1944
anne.frank:forced march from Auschwitz (Netherlands Red Cross, dossier 135177).
anne.frank:Anne's mother died January 6, 1945, at Auschwitz-Birkenau (Netherlands

arno.1:Keywords: Auschwitz,Mayer
arno.1: murder at Auschwitz, it should not be pressed too far.  The Nazi
arno.1: from 1942 to 1945, certainly at Auschwitz, but probably overall,> Darken_, that >at Auschwitz more people died of "natural causes" "Besides, from 1942 to 1945, certainly at Auschwitz, but probably murder at Auschwitz, it should not be pressed too far.  The Nazi from 1942 to 1945, certainly at Auschwitz, but probably overall,

b-cpu.faq:Gas Chambers or, The Rumor of Auschwitz," which inspired Smith.  He became

bialystok.1:Treblinka and Auschwitz, in the autumn of 1942, there were about 210,000
bialystok.1:in part, to Auschwitz commenced after the deportation of most of the

bialystok.2:Majdanek and Auschwitz. The final liquidation of the ghetto met with stiff

biblio.1:at Auschwitz, and later a member of the Czechoslovak War Crimes
biblio.1:Auschwitz alone. knm.
biblio.1:Czech, Danuta, et al. "Auschwitz, Nazi Extermination Camp" 
biblio.1:Garlinski, Jozef. "Fighting Auschwitz" Greenwich, Conn: Fawcett Books, 1975
biblio.1:---------------. "Auschwitz and the Allies" New York: Holt, Rinehart and
biblio.1:Hellman, Peter, ed. "The Auschwitz Album" New York: Random House, 1981
biblio.1:Hoess, Rudolf. "Commandant of Auschwitz: Autobiography of Rudolf Hoess,"
biblio.1:Kieler, Wieslaw. "Anus Mundi: 1500 Days in Auschwitz," New York: New York
biblio.1:"KL Auschwitz seen by the SS Hoess, Broad, Kremer," 2nd. ed., Museum w
biblio.1:Langbein, Hermann. "Menschen in Auschwitz", Vienna, Europa Verlag, 1972
biblio.1:Levi, Primo. "Survival in Auschwitz," New York: Collier, 1961
biblio.1:Lewinska, Pelagia. "Vingt mois a Auschwitz" Paris: Nagel, 1949
biblio.1:Mueller, Filip. "Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers"
biblio.1:Nyiszli, Miklos. Auschwitz: A Doctor's Eyewitness Account. Greenwich,
biblio.1:Ourisson, Dounia. Les secrets du Bureau Politique d'Auschwitz. Paris:
biblio.1:  Amicale d'Auschwitz, 1946
biblio.1:Pawelczynska, Anna. Values and Violence in Auschwitz. Berkeley, CA:
biblio.1:Perl, Gisella. I Was a Doctor in Auschwitz. New York: International
biblio.2:Schleunes, Karl L. The Twisted Road to Auschwitz. London: Andre Deutsch, 1972.
biblio.2:Schleunes, Karl A. "The Twisted Road to Auschwitz: Nazi Policy toward
biblio.2:Smolen, Kazimierz, ed. Reminiscences of Former Auschwitz Prisoners.
biblio.3:15. ANDERS, Gunther, 1902-          Besuch im Hades : Auschwitz u.... 1979
biblio.3:27. The Auschwitz album : a book based upon an album discovered by a... 1981
biblio.3:84. CARGAS, Harry J.                Reflections of a post-Auschwitz... 1989
biblio.3:147. ENGEL, David.                   In the shadow of Auschwitz : the... 1987
biblio.3:226. HAAS, Peter J.                  Morality after Auschwitz : the... 1988
biblio.3:       Auschwitz, beginning of a new era? : Reflections on the... 1976
biblio.3:309. KL Auschwitz seen by the SS. 1984
biblio.3:315. KLARSFELD, Serge, 1935-         Vichy-Auschwitz : le role de Vichy... 1983
biblio.3:333. KULKA, Erich.                   Escape from Auschwitz. 1986
biblio.3:363. LEVI, Primo.                    Survival in Auschwitz ; and, The... 1986
biblio.3:418. NOMBERG-PRZYTYK, Sara, 1915-    Auschwitz : true tales from a... 1985
biblio.3:481. RUBENSTEIN, Richard L.          Approaches to Auschwitz : the... 1987
biblio.3:500. SEVILLIAS, Errikos, 1901-       Athens, Auschwitz. 1983
biblio.3:       The Wannsee Protocol and a 1944 Report on Auschwitz by the... 1982
biblio.4:Auschwitz, Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers by
biblio.4:successfully pretended to be a Pole in Auschwitz.

cannibal.01:Subject: Holocaust Almanac: Cannibalism at Auschwitz 
cannibal.01:muscles (Filip Mueller, "Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas

carto:#could prove that anyone was actually gassed at Auschwitz.  Mel
carto:#Mermelstein, Auschwitz prisoner A-4685, answered the challenge by
carto:Auschwitz. It is hard to determine the exact number of people

chead:Keywords: Auschwitz,Clauberg

criminal.001:Keywords: Auschwitz,Schumann
criminal.001:"Dr. Horst Schumann was a graduate of Auschwitz, where in 1942, in the
criminal.002:Keywords: Auschwitz,Schumann
criminal.002:"Dr. Horst Schumann was a graduate of Auschwitz, where in 1942, in the
criminal.003:Keywords: Auschwitz,Oberhauser
criminal.004:Keywords: Auschwitz,Clauberg
criminal.004:Auschwitz, where he had a much wider range of victims.... 
criminal.005:Keywords: Auschwitz,Gebhardt
criminal.005:for his vivisection of women at both Ravensbruck and Auschwitz. In the
criminal.006:Keywords: Auschwitz,Grawitz
criminal.008:Keywords: Auschwitz,Mandel
criminal.008:Auschwitz; the prisoners referred to her as `the beast.' For her share in
criminal.009:Keywords: Auschwitz,Clauberg
criminal.010:Keywords: Auschwitz,Birkenau
criminal.011:Keywords: Auschwitz,Eichmann

deathcamp.03:Subject: LEST WE FORGET: Filip Muller's Testimony (Auschwitz)
deathcamp.03:Keywords: Blobel,Muller,Auschwitz
deathcamp.03:From the testimony of Filip Muller, an Auschwitz survivor, Konnilyn Feig
deathcamp.03:  Filip Muller, a young Slovakian, arrived early in Auschwitz -- April
deathcamp.03:assignment as a stoker in the Auschwitz crematorium and then as a jack-of-
deathcamp.03:and chilling accounts we have.  In the antiquated Auschwitz crematorium
deathcamp.03:countyside at night; and the red sky over Auschwitz could be seen for
deathcamp.03:[11]Filip Muller, Eyewitness Auschwitz, New York: Stein and Day, 1979, 14-15

deport.prep:Auschwitz or other camps than the three noted in the Arad title. If

eichmann:Keywords: Auschwitz,Eichmann

encyclopaedia:Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Chelmno, Sobibor, and Belzec and in

euthanasia.02:be strikingly similar to the killing sequence at Auschwitz.

fania.01:Subject: LEST WE FORGET: Auschwitz testimony (Fania Fenelon)
fania.01:Keywords: Auschwitz,Fenelon
fania.01:Fania Fenelon describes her arrival at Auschwitz, and the moment she camp are not allowed to see.  The photo was taken by Ditlieb Felderer,

frankfurt:Keywords: Auschwitz,Boger,Frankfurt,Hantl,Hoecker,Mulka,Stark
frankfurt:extermination camp of Auschwitz. Also known as the Auschwitz Trial, it

gassing:Keywords: gassing,Auschwitz
gassing:inspection of Auschwitz camp on 14-16 May 1943.  [Pressac, p. 238]
gassing:Letter from SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Bischoff, of the Auschwitz construction
gassing:in the Auschwitz crematoriums, June 20 1943 camps like Auschwitz hidden from the German public. It was"The road to Auschwitz was built by hate, but paved with indifference." 

good.days:Keywords: Kremer,Auschwitz

gypsies.01:Keywords: Auschwitz,Birkenau,Gypsy,Einsatzgruppen,Himmler,Treblinka 
gypsies.01:The deported Gypsies were sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau, where a special
gypsies.01:Auschwitz and to the operation Reinhard camps were shot on spot by
gypsies.01:4000 gypsies were been murdered by gas at Auschwitz-Birkenau. 
gypsies.02:decree for all Gypsies to be shipped to Auschwitz. <76> There they were
gypsies.02:subjected to all that Auschwitz meant, including the medical experiments,
gypsies.02:For a while there was a Gypsy Family Camp in Auschwitz, but on August 6,
gypsies.02:gassed in Auschwitz. <82> Others indicated a more conservative 200,000
gypsies.03:criminal police (aided by dogs) and dispatched to Auschwitz in February
gypsies.03:to Auschwitz on 16 December 1942, but he did not authorize their, Hauptsturmfuehrer. Auschwitz, Dachau

hermine:gruesome as Auschwitz... there is a huge cocnrete half shell entirely filled

hilberg.01:Keywords: Auschwitz,Belzec,Lodz,Sobibor
hilberg.01:  out "Auschwitz!".  The physician noticed the outline of an "immense
hilberg.01:  At Auschwitz the ramp was first located between the old camp and
hilberg.01:  Birkenau.  Those who were directed to the Auschwitz I gas chamber
hilberg.01:  From the first Auschwitz ramp, trucks would remove the old and the
hilberg.01:  requirements at Auschwitz were greater, and at the Birkenau platform
hilberg.01:  	42. Filip Muller, Eyewitness Auschwitz(New York, 1979), 
hilberg.01:  	43. Danuta Czech, "Kalendarium," Hefte von Auschwitz 7 (1964): 92n,
hilberg.01:            vol.13, pp.  248-57.  Both were railroad men at Auschwitz.
hilberg.01:            Auschwitz, of arrival procedure in Peter Hellman, The Auschwitz 

hilberg.02:Keywords: Aumeier,Auschwitz,Belsen,Birkenau,Grabner,Hossler
hilberg.02:  `The Auschwitz procedure evolved in stages.  In April 1942, Slovak Jews
hilberg.02:  sign "Auschwitz" as the train passed through the railway yards,<70> or
hilberg.02:  Auschwitz was speed alone essential.  These people were told to
hilberg.02:  Once there was a major incident in front of an Auschwitz gas chamber.
hilberg.02:  knew that those who were different died in Auschwitz, while the
hilberg.02:  Italy, who was in an Auschwitz hospital because of a swollen foot, was
hilberg.02:  In Auschwitz the victims would try every subterfuge to escape.  They
hilberg.02:  girl asked the Auschwitz women's camp commander, Hossler, to excuse
hilberg.02:  When the Auschwitz victims filed into the gas chamber, they discovered
hilberg.02:  melted into bars in the main camp.94 At Auschwitz the hair of the
hilberg.02:  	66.  Muller, Eyewitness Auschwitz, pp. 11-13.
hilberg.02:             is described in greater detail by Muller, Eyewitness Auschwitz,
hilberg.02:             Doctor in Auschwitz (New York, 1948), p. 103.
hilberg.02:             Perl, I Was a Doctor in Auschwitz, pp.55, 94, 108-9.
hilberg.02:  	80.  Primo Levi, Survival in Auschwitz (New York, 1961), p.44.
hilberg.02:  	91.  Hoss, Kommandant, p. 171.  Muller, Eyewitness Auschwitz,
hilberg.02:  	93.  Muller, Eyewitness Auschwitz, pp. 116-18.  Affidavit by
hilberg.02:  	94.  Muller, Eyewitness Auschwitz, pp. 68, 95, 100, 176.

hitler.quote:  form, Berlin, in February 1939.  Quoted in "Auschwitz and the
hitler.quote:  30 January 1942.  Quoted in "Auschwitz and the Allies," page 20 and

hoess.01:Keywords: Auschwitz,Dachau,Hoess
hoess.01:the Auschwitz camp. [He] was responsible for the execution of more
hoess.01:death at Warsaw and was executed several days later at Auschwitz. 
hoess.01:Auschwitz, Maidanek, Treblinka, Chelmno, Belzec, and Sobibor....
hoess.01:Auschwitz was the most notorious of the extermination centers. At the
hoess.01:height of its activity Auschwitz could house more the 100,000 men and
hoess.01:set up the extermination building at Auschwitz, I used Zyclon B which
hoess.01:the whole area and all the people living around Auschwitz knew what
hoess.01:procedure."  "KL Auschwitz seen by the SS Hoess, Broad, Kremer",

hoess.02:Keywords: Auschwitz,Hoess,I.G. Farben,Kaltenbrunner
hoess.02:given the commandant's post at Auschwitz. He managed its murder machine
hoess.02:Nazis in the other camps took priority at Auschwitz too. It was imperative
hoess.02:office in Berlin, he had tried to get back to Auschwitz to help supervise
hoess.02:death for his part in the Auschwitz murders, Hoess and his family lamented
hoess.02:<2> Hoess, Rudolf. Commandant of Auschwitz: Autobiography of Rudolf Hoess.

hoess.03:Keywords: Dachau,Auschwitz,Hoess
hoess.03:Auschwitz.  I commmanded Auschwitz until 1 December 1943, and estimate that
hoess.03:Jews alone at Auschwitz in the summer of 1944....
hoess.03:continued until fall 1944.  I personally supervised executions at Auschwitz
hoess.03:at Auschwitz in June 1941.  At that time, there were already in the general
hoess.03:...[W]hen I set up the extermination building at Auschwitz, I used Cyclon B,

hoess.GE:Subject: The Hoess Testimony -- another Auschwitz "Loose End"
hoess.GE:of the confrontations during the GEnie Auschwitz discussion had to
hoess.GE:  Two of the sources [of deaths at Auschwitz] listed are highly
hoess.GE:  of the how, when, and what of Auschwitz.
hoess.GE:pool is even shown on the Auschwitz map.  Big secret, that.  KEI]
hoess.GE:  BTW, the other Auschwitz camp commandants rigorously denied that
hoess.GE:  any 'gassings' or 'mass killings' took place at Auschwitz.  One
hoess.GE:  of them, Commandant Richard Baer, who commanded Auschwitz after
hoess.GE:  Auschwitz trial.  Perhaps you can forgive my suspicions regarding
hoess.GE:stopped.  Or is Larsen playing games here with Auschwitz I,

homosexuals:Keywords: Auschwitz,Dirlwanger,Flossenburg,homosexual,Ravensbruck
homosexuals:they were shipped to Auschwitz. <92>
homosexuals:bare hands in Auschwitz and elsewhere; they were used as living targets at

hungary.01:Keywords: Auschwitz,Eichmann,Hungary,Ruthenia,Sztojay
hungary.01:Hitler took over Hungary, 4,000 Jews were despatched by train to Auschwitz.
hungary.01:Solution would be fulfilled. He had prepared Mauthausen, Auschwitz, and

ihr-news.0492:gas chambers existed at Auschwitz and at other camps in Poland.  The
ihr-news.0492:historian writing in English, has called the Auschwitz death-camp story
ihr-news.0492:     The Auschwitz State Museum has recently revised its half-century-
ihr-news.0492:at German camps such as Auschwitz and Treblinka.
ihr-news.0492:     Mel Mermelstein, the former Auschwitz inmate who was featured in a
ihr-news.0492:the Holocuast issue -- "Auschwitz: Facts and Myths", "The Liberation of

ihrintro.text:-  _The Auschwitz Myth_, Wilhelm Staglich
ihrintro.text:Secret Polish Documents - Zyklon B, Auschwitz, and the Trial of Dr.

irving.05:denied the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz, epicentre of the
irving.05:at Auschwitz when he addressed an earlier meeting in a Munich beer cellar.
irving.05:chambers at Auschwitz as a tourist attraction built by the Poles after the

irving.2:pay a fine of 10,000 D-Mark for stating that the gas chambers in Auschwitz were

irving.3:Keywords: Auschwitz,Treblinka,Globonik,Irving
irving.3:Did Irving really believe that no-one was gassed at Auschwitz? Between his
irving.3:of Vienna. Upon arrival at Auschwitz and Treblinka, four in every ten
irving.3:....The ghastly secrets of Auschwitz and Treblinka were well kept. Goebbels

irving.4:no gassings at Auschwitz and the Reinhart camps?  Those who quote his
irving.4:Auschwitz were fakes to attract tourists.  myth of mass murders of Jews in the death factories of Auschwitz,
jin.intro:disinfectant at Auschwitz. This had been the case until the fall of 1941,

killing.cntr:reporting to the SS-WVHA, as did Majdanek, Auschwitz, and other

kremer.01:Keywords: Kremer,Auschwitz
kremer.01:assigned to Auschwitz:
kremer.01:Received orders to report to Auschwitz concentration camp, which
kremer.01:almost a comedy compared to this. They don't call Auschwitz the
kremer.01:as pancreas...In Auschwitz whole streets have gone down with typhus...
kremer.01:human organism as a result of hunger. In Auschwitz I taked this over

lyon.01:Subject: Holocaust Almanac: "They all died at Auschwitz..."
lyon.01:Keywords: Auschwitz,Barbie,Drancy,Gur,France
lyon.01:Drancy, near Paris. From there 98,000 people were deported to Auschwitz, of
lyon.01:chambers of Auschwitz. Thirty adults, but no childreen, survived. Another
lyon.01:aged 3-13 was siezed.' They all died at Auschwitz.<18> All told, about

maidanek:gruesome as Auschwitz... there is a huge concrete half shell entirely filled > Auschwitz...  The purpose of the experiment was to find a quick and > Mr. Goldsman, an inhabitant of Lvov testified, "At Auschwitz the most Frauen so the inmates at Auschwitz were used instead. > Almost all of the reports on Auschwitz originated from Russian, the bulk of the reports on Auschwitz originated from official"almost all of the reports on Auschwitz originated from Russian

mengele:Keywords: Auschwitz,Himmler,Klein,Koenig,Mengele
mengele:MENGELE, JOSEF (1911- ?). Camp doctor at Auschwitz extermination camp.

mermelstein:       were  gassed in gas-chambers at Auschwitz";
mermelstein:> 5. Auschwitz was in Poland, not Germany. Is there any proof that gas
mermelstein:> Auschwitz?
mermelstein:> evidence. Auschwitz, captured by the Soviets, was extensively modified
mermelstein:all other Auschwitz survivors have sustained relating to the $50,000 reward
mermelstein:offer for proof that 'Jews were gassed in gas chambers as Auschwitz'."
mermelstein:  notice of the fact that Jews were gassed to death at the Auschwitz
mermelstein:  Auschwitz Study Foundation, Inc.
mermelstein:  apologize to Mr. Mel Mermelstein, a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and
mermelstein:  Buchenwald, and all other survivors of Auschwitz for the pain, anguish and
mermelstein:  suffering he and all other Auschwitz survivors have sustained relating to
mermelstein:  Auschwitz".
mermelstein:Mermelstein, a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Buchenwald, an exclusive
mermelstein:were gassed in gas chambers at Auschwitz'" "and further stating that if Mr.
mermelstein:Mermelstein contended he was a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and
mermelstein:his mother and two sisters were gassed to death at Auschwitz; and knew, or
mermelstein:lured and driven into the gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau, which he later
mermelstein:  notice of the fact that Jews were gassed to death at the Auschwitz
mermelstein:     "WHEREAS, Mr. Mermelstein and other survivors of Auschwitz contend that
mermelstein:Mermelstein, a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Buchenwald Concentration
mermelstein:sisters who also were inmates of Auschwitz;
mermelstein:Mermelstein and other survivors of Auschwitz to suffer severe emotional
mermelstein:apologize to Mr. Mel Mermelstein, a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and
mermelstein:Buchenwald, and all other survivors of Auschwitz for the pain, anguish and
mermelstein:suffering he and all other Auschwitz survivors have sustained relating to
mermelstein:They are teaching our new generation that the chumneys of Auschwitz were
mermelstein:Auschwitz-Berkenau.  That Dachau was a peaceful town within Nazi Germany and
mermelstein:     As one who survived the infernos of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Buchenwald,
mermelstein:October to be held at Auschwitz.  Perhaps some of these "prestigious"
mermelstein:that Jews were gassed in gas-chambers at Auschwitz.

nazi.quotes:>chambers at Auschwitz are "technically impossible."

ostland.1:rare exception, did not include Auschwitz or other camps (Chelmno, etc.).

pfaust-bcpu:<      proof of televising "Tour of Auschwitz Fakes" (written
pfaust-bcpu:Auschwitz and Majdanek concentration camps until April of
pfaust-bcpu:is part of an exhibit at Auschwitz.  He testified against
pfaust-bcpu:Germans during the Auschwitz trials in West Geremany.  His
pfaust-bcpu:Auschwitz.  But Christie produced documentation to show that
pfaust-bcpu:figure of 150,000 French Jews being at Auschwitz alone.
pfaust-bcpu:and pictorial descriptions of Auschwitz crematoria were a

plac.zgody.2:were shipped to Auschwitz. An overpowering dread spread through the ghetto

portland.shead:Auschwitz may have been built after the war as tourist attractions.
portland.shead:could prove that anyone was actually gassed at Auschwitz.  Mel
portland.shead:Mermelstein, Auschwitz prisoner A-4685, answered the challenge by

preface.arad:The existence of Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Auschwitz, Maidanek,

program.03:Schleunes, Karl. A. "The Twisted Road to Auschwitz: Nazi Policy toward

program.04:was Auschwitz near Cracow. It first started in May 1940 as a concentration
program.04:Auschwitz II-Birkenau (Oswiecim-Brzezinka in Polish) was established for
program.04:ashes at the rate of over 25,000 per day.') <44> The highest Auschwitz
program.04:<45> Hoess, Rudolf. Commandant of Auschwitz. 
program.07:scores of Auschwitzes and Treblinkas and Maidaneks. Who could believe that
prolog.arad:The existence of Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Auschwitz, Maidanek, Blue in Auschwitz gas chambers, which had, in addition, been 
slovakia.1:Keywords: Auschwitz,Lublin,Slovakia
slovakia.1:district and to Auschwitz, which began on March 25, 1942, was based on an
slovakia.1:Lublin district, the remainder to Auschwitz. <1> The transports were
sterilization:camp Auschwitz. I point especially to the second part of this work,
szendi.text:Hungarian Jews to ghettos and deporting them to the Auschwitz
theresien.01:began the routine dispatch of prisoners east to Auschwitz and other death
trust.revw:now, the images of Auschwitz and Treblinka taken by Allied
victim.count:Auschwitz-Birkenau (in the formerly polish, in 1939 adjoined to the "Reich"
victim.count:the concentration camp Auschwitz, existing since May 1940. From January
vilna.1:that arrived in Auschwitz and Majdanek exist, and this transport is not
weisel.01:Keywords: Auschwitz,Mengele
winston.refute:count of those murdered at the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp alone cannot be
winston.refute:(_abgeschafft_) from occupied Europe and deported to Auschwitz for
winston.refute:Solution, 1971] figure for Auschwitz--700,000 gassed--is undoubtedly too
winston.refute:"Resettlement of the Jews" describing the gassing of Jews at Auschwitz,

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