The Nizkor Project: Remembering the Holocaust (Shoah)

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\linex0\endnhere {\footer \pard\plain \s15\qc\tqc\tx4320\tqr\tx8640 \f5\fs20 {\b\fs16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

\par The Nizkor Project --\rdblquote Research Guide to the Auschwitz-Birkenau Complex\rdblquote 
\par   }{\field{\*\fldinst {\b\fs16  DATE  \\l }}{\fldrslt {\b\fs16 7/5/96}}}{\b\fs16 
\par This document may be reproduced and distributed, without charge (excepting printing costs)  for educational use.
\par }\pard \s15\tqc\tx4320\tqr\tx8640 {\b\fs16 
\par }\pard\plain \s16\qc\tqc\tx4320\tqr\tx8640 \f5\fs20 {\b\i\fs18\ul The Nizkor Project,  462-1150 N. Terminal Avenue, Nanaimo, B.C. Canada V9S 5T8}{\b\fs18             Pg.   }{\field{\*\fldinst {\cs17\b\fs24  PAGE }}{\fldrslt {\cs17\b\fs24 7}}}{\fs24 

\par }}{\*\pnseclvl1\pnucrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl2\pnucltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl3\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl4\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta )}}
{\*\pnseclvl5\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl6\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl7\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl8
\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl9\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}\pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard 
\par \pard \qc {\b\i\fs36 The Nizkor Project}{\fs32 
\par }\pard \qc {\fs32 
\par }\pard \qc {\b\i\fs36 Research guide to the Auschwitz-Birkenau Complex}{\fs32 
\par }\pard \qc {\fs32 
\par }\pard\plain \s18\sb360\tqr\tx8640 \b\caps\f5 {\field\fldedit{\*\fldinst {\b0\caps0  TOC \\o "1-3" }}{\fldrslt 1. Introduction & Editorial Notes\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst {\caps0  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219132  }{\field{\*\fldinst {\caps0 
 PAGEREF _Toc361219132 }}{\fldrslt {\caps0 2}}}}}
\par \pard\plain \s19\li200\sb240\tqr\tx8640 \b\f4\fs20 1.1 Copyright\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219133  {\field{\*\fldinst  PAGEREF _Toc361219133 }{\fldrslt 3}}}}
\par \pard \s19\li200\sb240\tqr\tx8640 1.2 Geographic Location\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219134  {\field{\*\fldinst  PAGEREF _Toc361219134 }{\fldrslt 3}}}}
\par \pard\plain \s18\sb360\tqr\tx8640 \b\caps\f5 2. Gas Chambers\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst {\caps0  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219135  }{\field{\*\fldinst {\caps0  PAGEREF _Toc361219135 }}{\fldrslt {\caps0 3}}}}}
\par \pard\plain \s19\li200\sb240\tqr\tx8640 \b\f4\fs20 2.1 Krema I - The Experimental Gas Chamber\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219136  {\field{\*\fldinst  PAGEREF _Toc361219136 }{\fldrslt 4}}}}
\par \pard \s19\li200\sb240\tqr\tx8640 2.2 Krema II, III, IV, and V - The Birkenau Gas Chambers\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219137  {\field{\*\fldinst  PAGEREF _Toc361219137 }{\fldrslt 6}}}}
\par 2.3 Zyklon B\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219138  {\field{\*\fldinst  PAGEREF _Toc361219138 }{\fldrslt 7}}}}
\par \pard\plain \s18\sb360\tqr\tx8640 \b\caps\f5 3. Crematoria\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst {\caps0  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219139  }{\field{\*\fldinst {\caps0  PAGEREF _Toc361219139 }}{\fldrslt {\caps0 10}}}}}
\par \pard \s18\sb360\tqr\tx8640 4. Compiling Estimates of the Numbers Exterminated\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst {\caps0  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219140  }{\field{\*\fldinst {\caps0  PAGEREF _Toc361219140 }}{\fldrslt {\caps0 11}}}}}
\par \pard\plain \s19\li200\sb240\tqr\tx8640 \b\f4\fs20 4.1 How many people died at Auschwitz?\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219141  {\field{\*\fldinst  PAGEREF _Toc361219141 }{\fldrslt 13}}}}
\par \pard \s19\li200\sb240\tqr\tx8640 4.2 Estimates of dead by nationality [Work in progress]\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219142  {\field{\*\fldinst  PAGEREF _Toc361219142 }{\fldrslt 14}}}}
\par \pard\plain \s20\li400\tqr\tx8640 \f4\fs20 4.2.1 Polish Christians\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219143  {\field{\*\fldinst  PAGEREF _Toc361219143 }{\fldrslt 14}}}}
\par \pard\plain \s18\sb360\tqr\tx8640 \b\caps\f5 5. Administration\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst {\caps0  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219144  }{\field{\*\fldinst {\caps0  PAGEREF _Toc361219144 }}{\fldrslt {\caps0 15}}}}}
\par \pard\plain \s19\li200\sb240\tqr\tx8640 \b\f4\fs20 5.1 Command Staff\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219145  {\field{\*\fldinst  PAGEREF _Toc361219145 }{\fldrslt 15}}}}
\par \pard \s19\li200\sb240\tqr\tx8640 5.2 Medical Staff\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219146  {\field{\*\fldinst  PAGEREF _Toc361219146 }{\fldrslt 16}}}}
\par 5.3 Selection\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219147  {\field{\*\fldinst  PAGEREF _Toc361219147 }{\fldrslt 17}}}}
\par 5.4 Tattooing\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219148  {\field{\*\fldinst  PAGEREF _Toc361219148 }{\fldrslt 17}}}}
\par 5.5 Medical Experimentation\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219149  {\field{\*\fldinst  PAGEREF _Toc361219149 }{\fldrslt 17}}}}
\par \pard\plain \s20\li400\tqr\tx8640 \f4\fs20 5.5.1 Clauberg\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219150  {\field{\*\fldinst  PAGEREF _Toc361219150 }{\fldrslt 19}}}}
\par \pard \s20\li400\tqr\tx8640 5.5.2 Mandel\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219151  {\field{\*\fldinst  PAGEREF _Toc361219151 }{\fldrslt 20}}}}
\par 5.5.3 Mengele\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219152  {\field{\*\fldinst  PAGEREF _Toc361219152 }{\fldrslt 20}}}}
\par 5.5.4 Oberhauser\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219153  {\field{\*\fldinst  PAGEREF _Toc361219153 }{\fldrslt 20}}}}
\par 5.5.5 Schumann\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219154  {\field{\*\fldinst  PAGEREF _Toc361219154 }{\fldrslt 20}}}}
\par \pard\plain \s18\sb360\tqr\tx8640 \b\caps\f5 6. Research Materials & Sources\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst {\caps0  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219155  }{\field{\*\fldinst {\caps0  PAGEREF _Toc361219155 }}{\fldrslt {\caps0 21}}}}}
\par \pard\plain \s19\li200\sb240\tqr\tx8640 \b\f4\fs20 6.1 Recommended Reading\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219156  {\field{\*\fldinst  PAGEREF _Toc361219156 }{\fldrslt 22}}}}
\par \pard \s19\li200\sb240\tqr\tx8640 6.2 Abbreviations Used in Citations\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219157  {\field{\*\fldinst  PAGEREF _Toc361219157 }{\fldrslt 23}}}}
\par 6.3 Glossary\tab {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219158  {\field{\*\fldinst  PAGEREF _Toc361219158 }{\fldrslt 24}}}}
\par 6.4 Works Cited\tab {\field{\*\fldinst  GOTOBUTTON _Toc361219159  {\field{\*\fldinst  PAGEREF _Toc361219159 }{\fldrslt 25}}}}
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 }}\pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210876}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211058}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212826}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213013}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214902}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215470}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215631}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215807}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218473}
{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219132}{\pntext\pard\plain\b\f5\fs28\kerning28 1.\tab}\pard\plain \s1\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl1\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 {\pntxta .}}\b\f5\fs28\kerning28 Introduction & Editorial Notes{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210876}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211058}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212826}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213013}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214902}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215470}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215631}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215807}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218473}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219132} 
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard 
A January, 1993 newspaper article (Foner - see below) presents a series of lies and distortions regarding events at the Auschwitz   concentration camp as historical fact. The article illustrated an increasing effort on the part of world-wide neo-Nazi poli
tical organizations to deny that the collective events commonly known as   the Holocaust did occur.  Conot addressed the need for a continuing effort to combat such material in his introduction (Justice at Nuremberg):
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 \ldblquote 
Speaking to the Nuremberg tribunal in his opening address, "Justice Jackson remarked; `What makes this inquest significant is that these prisoners represent sinister influences that will lurk in the world long after their bodies have returned to dust.'

\par \pard \li720\ri720 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 \ldblquote These influences, in fact, have regenerated like a poisonous weed.  Anti-Semitism and the euphemistic catchwords that led to`the Final Solution of the Jewish Qu
estion' have reappeared hand in hand.  A world-wide cult has arisen claiming that the Holocaust never happened.  A hundred books, booklets, and pamphlets have been printed alleging that the slaughter was imaginary or exaggerated, and is but a Jewish inven
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 \ldblquote 
All of this might be dismissed as the frustrated thrashing about of a radical, irrational fringe were it not for the haunting parallels to the pre-Hitler era, and the continuing employment of Nazi propaganda methodology. A leader of the French neo-N
azis, for example, asserts that those Jews who died had merely been victims of the wartime food shortage. The Nazis had, in fact, originally planned to starve the Jews to death,allocating 186 calories per capita daily for their sustenance,but had abandone
d the scheme for more direct methods after the ensuing epidemics had decimated not only the Jews but threatened to spread to the relatively well-fed German population.
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 \ldblquote Similar in nature is the assertion that Zyklon B gas was employed only as a disinfectan
t at Auschwitz. This had been the case until the fall of 1941, when an enterprising SS officer had concluded that if Zyklon B killed lice it could kill people just as well.  Thereafter, the gas had been used, first to murder thousands of Soviet prisoners 
of war, and then hundreds of thousands of Jews - nearly all of them women, children, and old people unfit for `extermination through work.' Hitler's dictum that `the magnitude of a lie always contains a certain factor of credibility, since the great masse
s of the people ...  more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a little one' has once more come into vogue.
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 \ldblquote 
The most effective means to combat such distortions is to make the facts accessible, and, with them, expose the statements for what they are.  At Nuremberg, General Telford Taylor, the prosecutor of more war criminals than any other man, said: `We cannot
 here make history over again.  But we can see that it is written true.\rdblquote  ({\i Conot}, xii-xiii)
\par \pard 
\par \pard This article is presented in that spirit, and in lastin
g memory of those who were ruthlessly destroyed during the Holocaust.  It is the result of the combined effort of many, and contains data from myriad sources.  I would like to acknowledge the contributions from Dr. Danny Keren ( in pa
rticular, and the subscribers to the Holocaust Research Information List in general. Without their contributions, this document could not have been written.
\par \pard 
\par \pard The appearance of a quotation mark within a proper name indicates that the previous letter should be read as an umlaut, although some quoted material appends a trailing 'e' instead.  (I.e.  Hoess and Ho"ss reference the same name.)
\par \pard 
\par \pard The documents cited in this work which are available from our ftp server are often noted in the form (get /).
\par {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210877}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211059}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212827}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213014}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214903}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215471}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215632}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215808}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218474}
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{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213014}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214903}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215471}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215632}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215808}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218474}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219133}
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard This post, as a collection of information, is Copyright \'a91993-1996 by Ken McVay, as a work of literature.  Non-commercial distribution by any electronic means is granted with the understanding that the article not be altered in any way.  Per
mission to distribute in printed form must be obtained in writing.  The removal of this copyright notice is forbidden.  
\par {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210878}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211060}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212828}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213015}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214904}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215472}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215633}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215809}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218475}
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{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213015}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214904}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215472}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215633}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215809}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218475}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219134}
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard 
AUSCHWITZ: (Polish: Oswiecim) Located approximately 60km (37mi) west of Krakow, in Eastern Upper Silesia, which was annexed to Nazi Germany following the defeat of Poland, in September, 1939. Site of Nazi death camp. The first camp was built shortly after
 Poland's defeat, in a suburb of Oswiecim (Zasole), and held about 10,000 prisoners. The second site, known as Auschwitz II, or Birkenau, was built 3km from the original camp, in March of 1941.
\par {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210879}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211061}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212829}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213016}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214905}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215473}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215634}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215810}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218476}
{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219135}{\pntext\pard\plain\b\f5\fs28\kerning28 2.\tab}\pard\plain \s1\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl1\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 {\pntxta .}}\b\f5\fs28\kerning28 Gas Chambers{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210879}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211061}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212829}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213016}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214905}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215473}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215634}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215810}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218476}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219135}
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 "There was a sign 'to disinfection'.  He said 'you see, they are bringing children now'.  They opened the door, threw the children in and closed the door.  There was a terrible cry.
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 \ldblquote 
A member of the SS climbed on the roof.  The people went on crying for about ten minutes.  Then the prisoners opened the doors.  Everything was in disorder and contorted.  Heat was given off.  the bodies were loaded on a rough wagon an
d taken to a ditch.  The next batch were already undressing in the huts. After that I didn't look at my wife for four weeks." (From the testimony of SS private Boeck (Langbein, quoted in {\i Pressac}, 181))
\par {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210880}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211062}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212830}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213017}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214906}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215474}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215635}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215811}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218477}
{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219136}{\pntext\pard\plain\b\i\f5 2.1\tab}\pard\plain \s2\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl2\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 }\b\i\f5 Krema I - The Experimental Gas Chamber{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210880}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211062}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212830}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213017}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214906}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215474}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215635}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215811}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218477}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219136}
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard David Cole has produced a videotape which filmed the director of the Auschwitz State Museum admitting that the gas-chamber known as "Krema I" was constructed after the war ended, on the direct order of Stalin. Foner ({\i 
Foner, Samuel P.  "Major Historical Fact Uncovered" SPOTLIGHT
\par }\pard {\i  Vol.  XIX, Number 2, January 11, 1993}) tells us:
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
The videotape on which Piper makes his revelations was taken in mid-1992 by a young Jewish investigator, David Cole.  It has just been released, on January 1, 1993, although Cole announced his project at the 11th International Revisionist Conference at Ir
vine, California last October.
\par \pard 
\par \pard The small gas chamber of Krema I was used for gassing for a short time, and then converted into an air-raid shelter; after the war, it was reconstructed to look as i
t did when it was used for gassing, as Dr. Piper notes in his letter of response to the Cole video. The text of Piper's letter is a bit stilted, as Polish is his native language, but his intent, and the facts, are quite clear:
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
Cole maintains that I first time admitted the allegedly unknown fact the Nazis adapted the crematorium in question in which the gas chamber were located for air-raid shelter, the fact allegedly unknown even for Museum guides.  It is untruth.  See enclosed
 copies of pages from the books which constitute the fundamental reading for Auschwitz guides.  In book by T-an Sehn {\i Concentrat Camp Ogwiqcim-Brzezinka}
 (Auschwitz-Birkenau)Warsaw 1957, You may read on the page 152-"In May 1944 the old Crematorium I in the base camp was adapted for use as an air raid shelter.\rdblquote 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 The Fact is also confirmed in the book by Jean Claude Pressac "Auschwitz: Technique and operation of the gas chambers, published by The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, New York 1989(515 Madison Avenue.  On the page 157 you may read: 
"With part of the building converted to an air raid shelter, this is the state in which the SS abandoned Krematorium I in January 1945" Repeating what Pressac had written I told what was the nature of the adaptation works carried out by the Nazis and what
 one had to do to remove those changes in order to regain the previous appearance.
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 They are all "Pipers revelations.\rdblquote  In spite of the fact that such secondary restoration works had to be done there is an undisputable reality that the gas chamber in questio
n is housed in the same buillding which has been existed from prewar times till now.  
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 (get {\ul pub/people/p/piper.franciszec/press/daily.texan.1093} for the entire letter from Dr.  Piper to the Daily Texan regarding the Cole video.)
\par \pard  
\par \pard Breitman offers the following as background information to the development of Zyklon B as a killing device, and (more specifically) to the early use to which Block 11 was put:
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 Auschwitz had been receiving trainloads of Soviet commissars and other POW's who were subject to liquid
ation.  Ho"ss's men had shot previous shipments of Russian prisoners, but on September 3 Ho"ss's enterprising subordinate Hauptsturmfu"hrer Fritsch thought of an expedient new method based on the camp's own experience.  The buildings, many of them former 
Polish army barracks, were full of insects, and the camp administration had previously brought in the Hamburg pesticide firm of Tesch and Stabenow to get rid of them.  Two experts had fumigated particular buildings with a patented insecticide, Zyklon B, a
 crystalline form of hydrogen cyanide that turned gaseous when exposed to the air.  (Ho"ss, "{\i Commandant of Auschwitz}," 175. Interrogation of Ho"ss, 14 May 1946, {\i NA RG 238, M-1019/R 28/63}
) On September 3 Fritsch decided to experiment.  First he crammed five or six hundred Russians and another 250 sick prisoners from the camp hospital into an underground detention cell.  Then the windows were covered with earth.  SS men wearing gas masks o
pened the Zyklon-B canisters to remove what looked like blue chalk pellets about the size of peas, creating a cloud of poison gas.  After they left, the doors were sealed.(Ho"ss, {\i Commandant at Auschwitz}, 173.  See also Yehuda Bauer, "{\i Auschwitz}
," in Ja"ckel and Rohwere, eds., {\i Der Mord an den Juden}
, 167-68) Ho"ss wrote later that death was instantaneous.  Perhaps that was what he was told.  But he was not present to witness the event; he was away on a business trip.  Other sources indicate that even the next day not everyone was dead, and the SS me
n had to release more insecticide
.  Eventually all the prisoners died. When Ho"ss returned to Auschwitz, he heard about the successful experiment.  On Eichmann's next visit to Auschwitz, Ho"ss told him about the possibilities of Zyklon-B, and, according to Ho"ss, the two decided to use t
he pesiticide and the peasant farmstead for extermination.(Ho"ss, Commandant, 175.  From the History of KL Auschwitz, New York, 1982, I, 190)(Breitman, 203) 
\par \pard 
\par \pard SS-Unterscharfu"hrer Pery Broad described a gassing in Krema I while giving testimony (Museum, 176):
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
"....  The `disinfectors' were at work.  One of them was SS-Unterscharfuehrer Teuer, decorated with the Cross of War Merit.  With a chisel and a hammer they opened a few innocuously looking tins which bore the inscription `Cyclon, to be used against vermi
n.  Attention, poison!  to be opened by trained personnel only!'.  The tins were filled to the brim with blue granules the size of peas.  Immediately after opening the tins, their contents were thrown into the holes which were then quickly covered.  Mea
nwhile Grabner gave a sign to the driver of a lorry, which had stopped close to the crematorium. The driver started the motor and its deafening noise was louder than the death cries of the hundreds of people inside, being gassed to death."
\par \pard 
\par \pard Mu"llers eyewitness account of gassings in Krema I, in April, 1942, is recounted in Hilberg's "{\i The Destruction of the European Jews},":
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 The Auschwitz procedure evolved in stages.  In April 1942, Slovak Jews were gassed in Crematorium I, apparently with their clothes on. 
 Later, deportees from nearby Sosnowiec were told to undress in the yard.  The victims, faced by the peremptory order to remove their clothes, men in front of women and women in front of men, became apprehensive.  The SS men, shouting at them, then drove 
the naked men, women and children into the gas chamber. 
\par \pard 
\par \pard In The Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Jozef Buszko (Jagiellonian University, Krakow) writes: "The first, relatively small gas chamber was built in Auschwitz I.  Here the experimental gassing using Zy
klon B gas first took place, on September 3, 1941.  The victims were 600 Soviet prisoners of war and 250 other prisoners.  After that experiment, the firm J.  A.  Topf and Sons received a contract to build much larger, permanent gas chambers connected wit
h very large crematoria in Auschwitz-Birkenau, where the mass exterminations were mainly carried out.  Altogether four such installations -- II, III, IV, and V -- were built in Birkenau." ({\i Encyclopedia, Vol. I}, 113) 
\par {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210881}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211063}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212831}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213018}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214907}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215475}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215636}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215812}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218478}
{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219137}{\pntext\pard\plain\b\i\f5 2.2\tab}\pard\plain \s2\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl2\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 }\b\i\f5 Krema II, III, IV, and V - The Birkenau Gas Chambers{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210881}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211063}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212831}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213018}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214907}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215475}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215636}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215812}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218478}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219137}
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard Foner continues: "What Piper said, in effect - and on camera - was that the explosive Leuchter Report was correct: No homicidal gassings took place in the buildings designated `homicidal gas chambers' at Auschwitz."
\par \pard 
\par \pard  (As to the "Leuchter report", we refer you to the Leuchter Report FAQ,  - {\ul get pub/people/l/leuchter.fred/leuchter.faq1 and ~/leuchter.faq2})
\par \pard 
\par \pard Foner omits mention of the larger gas chambers of Kremas II-V, in which over a million people were murdered.  Hilberg (Destruction) provides the  following:
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 At Birkenau, illusion was the rule.  It was not always simple or possible, inasmuch as at least some of the deportees had observed the sign "Auschwitz" as the train passed through the railway yards, ({\i Wiesel}
, 36) or had seen flames belching from the chimneys, or had smelled the strange, sickening odor of the crematoria.  ({\i Lengyel}
, 22) Most of them, however, like a group from Salonika, were funneled through the undressing rooms, were told to hang their clothes on hooks and remember the numb
er, and promised food after the shower and work after the food. The unsuspecting Greek Jews, clutching soap and towels, rushed into the gas chambers.  ({\i Mu"ller}
, 80-81) Nothing was allowed to disturb this precarious synchronization.  When a Jewish inmate revealed to newly arrived people what was in store for them, he was cremated alive.  ({\i Mu"ller}
, 80) Only in the case of victims who were brought in from nearby ghettos in upper Silesia (Sosnowiec and Bedzin) and who had had intimations of Auschwitz was speed 
alone essential.  These people were told to undress quickly in their "own best interest." ({\i Mu"ller}, 69-71)
\par \pard 
\par \pard And finally, consider these remarks, from the SS Doctor Kremer, made during a hearing held on 18 July, 1947. ({\i Klee}, 258)
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 \ldblquote 
I remember I once took part in the gassing of one of these groups of women [from the women's camp in Auschwitz].  I cannot say how big the group was.  when I got close to the bunker I saw them sitting on the ground.  They were still clothed.  As they wer
e wearing worn-out camp clo
thing they were not left in the undressing hut but made to undress in the open air.  I concluded from the behavior of these women that they had no doubt what fate awaited them, as they begged and sobbed to the SS men to spare them their lives.  However, t
hey were herded into the gas chambers and gassed.  As an anatomist I have seen a lot of terrible things: I had had a lot of experience with dead bodies, and yet what I saw that day was like nothing I had ever seen before.  Still completely shocked by what
 had seen I wrote on my diary on 5 September 1942: "The most dreadful of horrors. Hauptscharfuherer Thilo was right when he said to me today that this is the 'anus mundi', the anal orifice of the world".  I used this image because I could not imagine anyt
hing more disgusting and horrific.\rdblquote 
\par {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210882}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211064}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212832}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213019}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214908}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215476}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215637}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215813}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218479}
{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219138}{\pntext\pard\plain\b\i\f5 2.3\tab}\pard\plain \s2\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl2\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 }\b\i\f5 Zyklon B{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210882}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211064}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212832}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213019}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214908}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215476}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215637}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215813}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218479}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219138}
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard Two German firms, Tesch/Stabenow and Degesch, produced Cyclone B gas after they acquired the patent from Farben.  Tesch supplied two tons a month, and Degesch three quarters of a ton. The firms that produced the
 gas already had extensive experience in fumigation.  "In short, this industry used very powerful gases to exterminate rodents and insects in enclosed spaces; that it should now have become involved in an operation to kill off Jews by the hundreds of thou
sands is not mere accident." ({\i Hilberg, Commandant}
, 567) After the war the directors of the firms insisted that they had sold their products for fumigation purposes and did not know they were being used on humans.  But the prosecutors found letters from Tesc
h not only offering to supply the gas crystals but also advising how to use the ventilating and heating equipment.  Ho"ss testified that the Tesch directors could not help but know of the use for their product because they sold him enough to annihilate tw
o million people.  Two Tesch partners were sentenced to death in 1946 and hanged.  The director of Degesch recieved five years in prison." ({\i Feig}) (See also {\i Breitman}, 203-204, for a discussion of the early involvement of Heerdt-Lingler)
\par \pard 
\par From the statement of Hans Stark, registrar of new arrivals, Auschwitz (Klee, 255):
\par \pard \li720\ri720 \ldblquote 
At another, later gassing -- also in autumn 1941 -- Grabner* ordered me to pour Zyklon B into the opening because only one medical orderly had shown up.  During a gassing Zyklon B had to be poured through both openings of the gas-chamber room at the same
 time.  This gassing was also a transport of 200-250 Jews, once again men, women and children.  As the Zyklon B -- as already mentioned -- was in granular form, it trickled down over the peopl
e as it was being poured in.  They then started to cry out terribly for they now knew what was happening to them.  I did not look through the opening because it had to be closed as soon as the Zyklon B had been poured in.  After a few minutes there was si
lence.  After some time had passed, it may have been ten to fifteen minutes, the gas chamber was opened.  The dead lay higgledy-piggedly all over the place.  It was a dreadful sight.\rdblquote 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
\par * Maximillian Grabner, Head of Political Department, Auschwitz
\par \pard 
\par \pard Zyklon-B is a powerful insecticide which serves as a carrier for the gas Hydrocyanic acid, or HCN.  It usually comes in the shape of small pellets or disks.  (See {\i Breitman}
, 203, for more detail about the early use of the gas at Auschwitz) HCN is the cause of death following the application of Zyklon-B.  While interacting with iron and concrete, it creates Hydrocyanic compounds, which Leuchter admitted were found in the rui
ns of the gas chamber in Krematoria II. His finding was confirmed by findings of the Polish government.
\par \pard 
\par \pard 
HCN is *extremely poisonous* to humans.  It is used in execution gas chambers in the US; the first was built in Arizona in 1920. Holocaust denial often includes the claim that Germany in the 1940's could not handle the "technical difficulties" inherent in
 using HCN for execution - "difficulties" that were easily solved in 1920. Moreover, the Germans had a lot of experience with HCN, as it was extensively used for delousing.
\par \pard 
\par \pard There were two types of gas chambers in Auschwitz: those used for delousing clothes ("delousing gas chambers") and those used for killing people on a massive scale ("extermination gas chambers").
\par \pard 
\par \pard The delousing gas chambers were a standard feature, and were left intact by the SS (the extermination gas chambers were dynamited in an effort to conceal criminal traces).  
\par \pard 
\par \pard Holocaust denial asserts that because more Hydrocyanic compounds were found in the delousing chambers in Auschwitz than in the ruins of the extermination gas chambers, mass murder using the gas could not have tak
en took place within, because the reverse would be true.
\par \pard 
\par \pard 
HCN is much more effective on warm-blooded animals, including humans, than it is on insects.  The exposure period (to HCN) is much greater in delousing operations than in homicidal gassings.  This means that a much lower concentration is necessary to kill
 people than to get rid of lice, etc.  In delousing, concentrations of up to 16,000 ppm (parts per million) are sometimes used, and exposure time can be up to 72 hours; while 300 ppm will kill people in fifteen minutes or so.
\par \pard 
\par \pard 
Therefore, the HCN in the extermination chambers hardly had time to form compounds on the walls.  While some claim that the gas would need a lot of time to kill, because it would have to spread all over the chamber, it simply is not true; the gas chambers
 were not that large (those in Krematoria II and III were about 210 square meters), and the Zyklon-B was dropped from four openings (still visible in the ruins of the gas chambers).  Since the concentration used was higher than t
he lethal one, death was very swift.
\par \pard 
\par \pard 
Furthermore, the delousing chambers are intact while the extermination chambers were blown up (a .GIF picture of the one of Krema II is available).  Therefore, their walls have been exposed to the elements for the last 50 years. The ruins of the gas chamb
er of Krema II are covered with about 3 feet of water during certain periods of the year; HCN compounds easily dissolve in these surroundings.  Nonetheless, so much gassing took place that some of the compound remained.
\par \pard 
\par \pard 
Summarizing, the walls of the extermination gas chambers were in contact with HCN for a much shorter time then those of the delousing chambers, and for the last 45 years were exposed to surroundings which dissolve the compounds, while the delousing rooms 
were not. Therefore it is obvious that less traces of compounds would remain in them.  
\par \pard 
\par \pard This fact - that all, or most, of the compounds would vanish during 45 years of exposure - is clearly stated in the report written by the experts of the Cracow Institute of Forensic Research. 
\par \pard 
\par \pard 
Holocaust deniers once claimed that the gas chamber in Krema I was left intact, and therefore its walls were not exposed to the elements.  But - as they admit themselves - the gas chamber of Krema I was used only for a short time, and than it was changed 
to an air-raid shelter.  After the liberation of the camp, it was reconstructed to its original shape.  This, and the fact that "only" about 10,000 people were murdered inside it (compared to 350,000 and 400,000 in Kremas II and 
III) explain why relatively small amounts of cyanide compounds remain.  As for Kremas IV and V, they were completely destroyed by the SS before the Soviets liberated the camp.
\par \pard 
\par \pard Finally, cyanide compounds were found on the ventilation grills of the extermination chambers, proving beyond doubt that gassing did take place inside them.
\par \pard 
\par \pard The claim that it would have been impossible to use the gas chambers for killing, because they were too close to the furnaces, and the gas would explode, is often found in Holoc
aust denial literature, and is one of the assertions of the Leuchter report.
\par \pard 
\par \pard The concentration of HCN necessary to cause death is nearly 200 times lower than that which causes explosion.  Although the SS used a concentration higher than the lethal one, it was far below that causing explosion.
\par \pard 
\par \pard As a reference, one can look at "The Merck Index" and the "CRC handbook of Chemistry and Physics", or consult any manual dealing with toxicity and flammability of chemicals.  For HCN, a concentration of 300 ppm (part
s per million) kills humans within a few minutes, while the minimal concentration that can result in an explosion is 56,000 ppm.
\par \pard 
\par \pard 
Another common claim is that it takes 20 hours to air a room which has been disinfected with Zyklon-B, and therefore the eyewitness accounts giving a time of 20-30 minutes from when the gassing started to when the bodies where carried out is impossible, b
ecause the people carrying out the bodies would perish.
\par \pard 
\par \pard If one disinfects a building in ordinary commercial use, it should not
 be reentered within 20 hours.  That figure, however, has no meaning in relation to the extermination chambers, because they were forcibly ventilated.  Fifteen minutes were enough to replace the air. When ventilation was not used, the Sonderkommando (pris
oners used as forced labor) who took the bodies out had gas masks on.  The Germans had plenty of experience with gas, especially HCN, which was widely used for delousing.  They knew how to work with it without getting hurt.  It is absurd to use the 20 hou
r figure in this context, which does not assume forced ventilation and takes a huge safety factor into account.  The SS didn't care much for the safety of the Sonderkommando who had to enter the gas chambers to take the corpses out. 
\par \pard 
\par \pard Furthermore, what makes ventilation difficult and lengthy is the presence of rugs, furniture, curtains, etc.  Needless to say, these were not present in the gas chambers - there was just bare concrete, making ventilation fast and efficient.
\par \pard 
\par \pard If the "20 hours ventilation period" above was true, this would mean that the corpses of people executed using cyanide gas in US gas chambers would remain tied to the chair 20 hours after they were killed...
\par \pard 
\par \pard Another common claim is that the "alleged" extermination chambers are actually morgues, and that Zyklon-B was used in them as a disinfectant.
\par \pard 
\par \pard This claim stems from the fact that Hydrocyanic compounds were found on the ventilation grills of the gas chambers in Krematoria II and III (the chemical analysis was carried out by Dr. Jan Robel o
f the Cracow Forensic Institute in December 1945, and was part of the evidence in the trial of Auschwitz commander Ho"ss).  This proves that gassing did take place in that chamber. Zyklon-B cannot kill anaerobic bacteria - it kills only aerobic organisms.
 That means it would be useless for disinfecting corpses.
\par \pard 
\par \pard In closing, consider the testimony of SS private Hoeblinger: ({\i Langbein})
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 I was detailed to the transport service and I drove the Sanka [abbreviation for Sanitatskraftwagon/medical truck] which was to carry the prisoners....
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
Then we drove to the gas chambers.  The medical orderlies climbed a ladder, they had gas masks up there, and emptied the cans.  I was able to observe the prisoners while they were undressing.  It always proceeded quitely and without them suspecting anythi
ng.  It happened very quickly.
\par \pard 
\par \pard Note Pvt. Hoeblinger's mention of gas masks - some Holocaust deniers insist that the SS-men dropping the gas would be killed by it, which leads one to speculate about their reading ability.
\par \pard 
\par \pard Finally
, the undeniable evidence that the SS ordered Degesch to remove the indicator odor, mandated under German law, which was added to the Zyklon B in order to provide a warning to human beings that the lethal stuff was nearby. I believe this demonstrated clea
r criminal intent - the SS would hardly have removed the indicator odor if they had intended, as the denial set insists, to use the gas only on insects and corpses... ({\ul get pub/orgs/german/farben.ig/farben.001}
 for  more information about this demand from the SS. Borkin, 123)
\par \pard 
\par Recommended reading:
\par \pard Barrington,J.H., ed. The Zyklon B Trial: Trial of Bruno Tesch and Two Others. London, 1948, and Borkin (see Work Cited).
\par \pard 
\par \pard Harmon, Brian. Technical Aspects of the Holocaust: Cyanide, Zyklon-B, and Mass Murder. ({\ul get pub/camps/auschwitz/cyanide.001),} 1994
\par \pard 
\par \pard United Nations War Crimes Commission. Law Reports of Trials of War Criminals. Vol. 1, London, 1947. See pp. 93-104
\par \pard 
\par {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210883}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211065}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212833}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213020}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214909}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215477}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215638}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215814}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218480}
{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219139}{\pntext\pard\plain\b\f5\fs28\kerning28 3.\tab}\pard\plain \s1\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl1\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 {\pntxta .}}\b\f5\fs28\kerning28 Crematoria{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210883}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211065}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212833}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213020}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214909}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215477}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215638}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215814}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218480}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219139} 
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard Konnilyn Feig provides an overview of the operation of the crematoria, and describes the
 process by which the stoking gangs sorted bodies into combustibility categories as the result of earlier experiments by the SS staff to reduce fuel consumption.  In this effort, they had the assistance of the firm of Topf and Sons, who had built the crem
atoria. {\ul (get pub/camps/auschwitz/auschwitz.01})
\par \pard 
\par \pard In essence, well-nourished corpses were burned with emaciated ones in order to determine the most efficient combination.  Three to four bodies were burned at a time, and different kinds of coke were used, then the results were recorded:
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
Afterwards, all corpses were divided into the above-mentioned categories, the criterion being the amount of coke required to reduce them to ashes.  Thus it was decreed that the most economical and fuel-saving procedure would be to burn the bodies of a wel
l-nourished man and an emaciated woman, or vice versa, together with that of a child, because, as the experiments had established, in this combination, once they had caught fire, the dead would continue to burn without any further coke being required.  ({
\i Mu"ller}, 60-61; {\i Klarsfield}, 99-100)
\par \pard 
\par \pard 
The need for large-scale efficiency, to cope with the astounding number of corpses produced by the gas chambers, eventually led to the design and construction of new crematoria, and daily capacity rose from as low as six hundred forty eight per day (Mu"ll
er's 1942 figure) to a high of over ten thousand (Ho"ss, Gricksch), but, as Feig tells us, the SS eventually had to employ large pyres and pits to dispose of the mounting pile of corpses:
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 \ldblquote As e
arly as June 13, 1943, all was not well with the new installation. ...  Eventually the ovens seemed to fall apart.  Crematorium Four failed completely after a short time and Crematoria Five had to be shut down repeatedly.  ({\i TWC, V}
:624) (Between 1945 and 1962 Polish officials found five manuscripts written by Sonderkommando members before their deaths.  The published manuscripts and documents relate to the specific process of extermination at Birkenau, and provide detailed descript
ions of the crematoria and gas chambers.) 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 \ldblquote 
The scientifically planned crematoria should have been able to handle the total project, but they could not.  The whole complex had forty-six retorts, each with the capacity for three to five persons.  The burning in a retort lasted about half an hour.  
It took an hour a day to clean them out.  Thus it was theoretically possible to cremate about 12,000 corpses in twenty four hours or 4,380,000 a year.  But the well-constructed crematoria fell far behind at a number of camps, and especially
 at Auschwitz in 1944.  In August the total cremation reached a peak one day of 24,000, but still a bottleneck occurred.  Camp authorities needed an economic and fast method of corpse disposal, so they again dug six huge pits beside Crematorium Five and r
eopened old pits in the wood.  Thus, late in 1944, pit burning became the chief method of corpse disposal.  The pits had indentations at one end from which human fat drained off.  To keep the pits burning, the stokers poured oil, alcohol, and large quanti
ties of boiling human fat over the bodies.\rdblquote 
\par \pard 
\par {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210884}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211066}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212834}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213021}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214910}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215478}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215639}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215815}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218481}
{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219140}{\pntext\pard\plain\b\f5\fs28\kerning28 4.\tab}\pard\plain \s1\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl1\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 {\pntxta .}}\b\f5\fs28\kerning28 Compiling Estimates of the Numbers Exterminated
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210884}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211066}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212834}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213021}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214910}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215478}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215639}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215815}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218481}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219140}
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard When the extermination camps failed to achieve their objective, the total extermination of European Jewry, by the end of 1942, Heinrich Himmler commissioned a statistical report in order to determine what 'progress' had been made.
\par \pard 
\par \pard In January of 1943, Dr. Richard Korherr, a noted statistician who was outside SS circles, working with Adolf Eichmann and camp commanders, began compiling reports and figures to present to Himmler. As Breitman relates,
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
Korherr's job was complicated by the fact that, even in a report designed for Himmler, he was not supposed to spell out the facts in black and white.  It was easier to state how many Jews were still alive than what had happened to the others.  To be sure,
 Korherr could state that through various means the Jewish population in the Reich and the Government General had diminished by 3.1 million between 1933 and 1942.  In spite of his generous use of the term "evacuation," howeve
r, which Himmler seconded, to mislead those who would read the document in later years, Himmler had to correct Korherr's wording in one place.  Where Korherr had written of the "special treatment" of the Jews, Himmler had insisted on either the "transport
ation of the Jews from the Eastern provinces to the Russian East" or the "sifting of the Jews through the camps." These were among the officially approved terms to camouflage the realities of the Final Solution.  (Korherr's reports in {\i 
NA RG 238, NO-5193} and 5194, Himmler's correction of wording in Brandt to Korherr, 20 April 1943.  NA RG 238, NO-5196.  Raul Hilberg, {\i The Destruction} {\i of the European Jews} \{Chicago, 1961\}, 2nd expanded ed., 3 vols. \{New York, 1985\}
,I, 322-23, reviews the whole range of Nazi terms that veiled the realities.) ({\i Breitman}, 242)
\par \pard 
\par \pard Note that Himmler was successful in his attempts to camouflage reality to the degree that present-day Holocaust denial insists that Jews were simply "relocated to the East," and not exterminated.
\par \pard \page 
\par \pard \tx5850 Eichmann's interrogation regarding the total number of victims supports Fleming's figure of about five million killed ({\ul get pub/people/e/eichmann.adolf/eichmann.005}
), while figures compiled  by Yehuda Bauer, of Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, are somewhat higher.   Bauer's figures are in the right-most column.
\par \pard 
\par \trowd \trgaph108 \clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw15\brdrcf1 \clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw30\brdrcf1 \clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw15\brdrcf1 \cellx5884\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw15\brdrcf1 \clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw15\brdrcf1 \clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw15\brdrcf1 \cellx7305\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw15\brdrcf1 
\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw15\brdrcf1 \clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw30\brdrcf1 \cellx8638 \pard \intbl German Reich (boundaries of 1938)\cell \pard \qr\intbl 130,000\cell \pard \qr\intbl 125,000\cell \pard \intbl \row \trowd \trgaph108 \clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw30\brdrcf1 
\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw15\brdrcf1 \cellx5884\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw15\brdrcf1 \clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw15\brdrcf1 \cellx7305\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw15\brdrcf1 \clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw30\brdrcf1 \cellx8638 \pard \intbl Austria\cell \pard \qr\intbl 58,000\cell \pard 
\qr\intbl 65,000\cell \pard \intbl \row \pard \intbl Belgium\cell \pard \qr\fi18\li-18\ri-18\intbl 26,000\cell \pard \qr\intbl \cell \pard \intbl \row \pard \intbl Belgium and Luxembourg\cell \pard \qr\intbl \cell \pard \qr\intbl 24,700\cell \pard \intbl 
\row \pard \intbl Bulgaria\cell \pard \qr\intbl 7,000\cell \pard \qr\intbl \cell \pard \intbl \row \pard \intbl Czechoslovakia (Boundaries of 1938)\cell \pard \qr\intbl 245,000\cell \pard \qr\intbl 277,000\cell \pard \intbl \row \pard \intbl France\cell 
\pard \qr\intbl 64,000\cell \pard \qr\intbl 83,000\cell \pard \intbl \row \pard \intbl Greece\cell \pard \qr\intbl 58,000\cell \pard \qr\intbl 65,000\cell \pard \intbl \row \pard \intbl Hungary and Carpatho-Ukraine\cell \pard \qr\intbl 300,000\cell \pard 
\qr\intbl *402,000\cell \pard \intbl \row \pard \intbl Italy\cell \pard \qr\intbl 8,000\cell \pard \qr\intbl *7,500\cell \pard \intbl \row \pard \intbl Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia\cell \pard \qr\intbl 200,000\cell \pard \qr\intbl \cell \pard \intbl \row 
\pard \intbl Luxembourg\cell \pard \qr\intbl 3,000\cell \pard \qr\intbl \cell \pard \intbl \row \pard \intbl Netherlands\cell \pard \qr\intbl 101,800\cell \pard \qr\intbl 106,000\cell \pard \intbl \row \pard \intbl Norway\cell \pard \qr\intbl 677\cell 
\pard \qr\intbl 760\cell \pard \intbl \row \pard \intbl Poland (Boundaries of 1939)\cell \pard \qr\intbl 2,700,000\cell \pard \qr\intbl \cell \pard \intbl \row \pard \intbl Polish-Soviet area\cell \pard \qr\intbl \cell \pard \qr\intbl 4,565,000\cell 
\pard \intbl \row \pard \li-738\intbl Roma    Romania (Boundaries prior to 1940)\cell \pard \qr\intbl 220,000\cell \pard \qr\intbl 40,000\cell \pard \intbl \row \pard \intbl USSR (Boundaries prior to 1939)\cell \pard \qr\intbl 800,000\cell \pard 
\qr\intbl \cell \pard \intbl \row \pard \intbl Yugoslavia\cell \pard \qr\intbl {\ul 54,000\cell }\pard \qr\intbl {\ul *60,000\cell }\pard \intbl \row \pard \intbl \cell \pard \qr\intbl {\b 4,975,477\cell }\pard \qr\intbl {\b 5,820,960\cell }\pard \intbl 
\row \trowd \trgaph108 \clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw30\brdrcf1 \clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw15\brdrcf1 \clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw15\brdrcf1 \cellx5884\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw15\brdrcf1 \clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw15\brdrcf1 \clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw15\brdrcf1 \cellx7305\clbrdrl
\brdrs\brdrw15\brdrcf1 \clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw15\brdrcf1 \clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw30\brdrcf1 \cellx8638 \pard \intbl *May be underestimated\cell \pard \qr\intbl \cell \pard \qr\intbl \cell \pard \intbl \row {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210885}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211067}
{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212835}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213022}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214911}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215479}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215640}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215816}{\pntext\pard\plain\b\i\f5 4.1\tab}\pard\plain \s2\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl2
\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 }\b\i\f5 \page {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218482}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219141}How many people died at Auschwitz?{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210885}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211067}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212835}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213022}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214911}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215479}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215640}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215816}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218482}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219141}
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard Foner's Spotlight article makes the following assertions regarding the number of people killed at the camp:
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 Like most Americans, since his youth Cole had been instructed in the "irrefutable fact" that homicidal gassings had taken place at Auschwitz.  The number of those so executed - also declared irrefutable - was 4.1 million.
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
\par \pard \li720\ri720  Then came the Leuchter Report in 1988.  This was followed by a "re-evaluation" of the total deaths at Auschwitz (down to 1.1 million).  As a budding historian - and a Jew - Cole was intrigued.
\par \pard \ri720 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 Previous to 1992, anyone who
 publicly doubted the 4.1 million "gassing" deaths at Auschwitz was labeled an anti-Semite, neo-nazi skinhead (at the very least).  Quietly, because of revisionist findings, the official figure was lowered to 1.1 million.  No mention of that missing 3 mil
\par \pard \ri720 
\par \pard Foner's assertions are simply not true; although it is correct to note that the Polish Communist government did claim that four million people  were exterminated at Auschwitz, historians ({\i Feig, Reitlinger, Hilberg}
,  et al.) have never supported that figure. Consider the estimates  provided by Buszko at the end of his article on Auschwitz, which appeared  in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust:
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720 Of the 405,000 registered prisoners, 65,000 survived
\par Of the 16,000 Soviet POW's, 96 survived
\par Various estimates suggest 1.6 million were murdered
\par \pard 
\par \pard Buszko's article, and the above estimates, appeared in the 1990 edition of the Encyclopedia, which clearly puts the lie to Foner's comment that "anyone who publicly doubted the 4.1 million ..." figure "previous to 1992..
." was "...labeled an anti-Semite..." Buszko is not only a Jewish historian, but Polish as well.
\par \pard 
\par \pard Leon Poliakov, the author of the well-documented "Harvest of Hate," which was, we note, first published in {\ul 1956}, provides the following information, which clearly demonstrates that Foner's contention, cited above, is an outright lie:
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 After some thirty months of intense activity, the Auschwitz balance sheet showed close to two million immediate exterminations (this figure can never be fixed exactly), (8) to whi
ch one must add the deaths of some 300,000 registered prisoners - Jews for the most part, but not entirely - for whom the gas chamber was only one of any number of ways by which they might have perished. ({\i Poliakov}, 202)
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
(8) In his affidavits, Hoess spoke of two and a half million, 'a figure set officially,' he wrote, under the signature of [Eichmann], in a report to Himmler. This figure has been accepted by several authors, and it appears in the verdict at the trial of t
he major war criminals. However, the
re is no reason for accepting without question the statistics attributed to Eichmann, which may err on either side. Adding the number of victims to those deported from different countries gives a lower figure, although we have little data, for example, on
 the number of Polish Jews sent to Auschwitz. An approximate figure in the neighborhood of two million seems closer to the truth." ({\i Ibid.)}
\par \pard 
\par \pard Feig also provides evidence of the false nature of Foner's comment when she notes that `Ho"ss testified that the Tesc
h directors could not help but know of the use for their product because they sold him enough to annihilate two million people.'  Feig's book was published in 1981.
\par \pard 
\par \pard According to Snyder, Adolf Eichmann reported to Himmler, in 1944, that four million had been killed in the camps, and another million had been shot or killed by mobile units.  ({\i Encyclopedia of the Third Reich.}
 1989) Eichmann's report, which referenced {\ul all} the camps (most of which were in Nazi-occupied Poland), may have been the source of the Po
lish  Communist government's figures. (Snyder is a Professor of History at  the City College and the City University of New York.)
\par \pard 
\par \pard 
During the war crimes trials, Ho"ss was asked if it was true that he had no exact numbers because he had been forbidden to compile them, and he agreed. He also agreed that Adolf Eichmann had told him that that more than two million people had been extermi
nated there.  ({\i von Lang}, 120)
\par \pard 
\par \pard The Institut Fuer Zeitgeschichte, Munich, provided the following capsulated paragraph about Auschwitz in a March, 1992, letter of inquiry. ({\ul get pub/orgs/german/ifz/})
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
The extermination camp in Birkenau, established in the second half of 1941, was joined to the concentration camp Auschwitz, existing since May 1940.  From January 1942 on in five gas chambers and from the end of June 1943 in four additional large gassing-
rooms gassings with Zyklon B have been undertaken.  Up until November 1944 more than one million Jews and at least 4000 gypsies have been murdered by gas.  (IFZ)
\par \pard 
\par \pard While it is
 admittedly difficult to compile exact figures, since the Nazis did not maintain registration records for those who were to be exterminated immediately upon arrival at Auschwitz, it seems accurate to assert that the number of Jews killed fell somewhere be
tween one and one-point-six million.
\par \pard 
\par \pard Jews were not the only victims of the Auschwitz killing machine -   estimates that from 200,000 ({\i Gilbert}, 22, {\i Kendrick}, 184) to 500,000   ({\i Bubenickova}, 190, {\i Yoors}, 34) Gypsies were ultimately destroyed are noted by Lask
a. Himmler signed the decree sending all of them to Auschwitz in 1942. In addition, an unknown number of homosexuals were sent to Auschwitz and executed. 
\par \pard 
\par \pard The Leuchter Report, which Foner alludes to extensively in his {\i Spotlight} article, has been thoroughly refuted. For detailed information about the report, see the Leuchter FAQ, published by The Nizkor Project.
\par {\pntext\pard\plain\b\i\f5 4.2\tab}\pard\plain \s2\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl2\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 }\b\i\f5  {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210886}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211068}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212836}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213023}
{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214912}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215480}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215641}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215817}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218483}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219142}Estimates of dead by nationality [Work in progress]{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210886}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211068}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212836}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213023}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214912}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215480}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215641}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215817}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218483}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219142}
\par {\pntext\pard\plain\b 4.2.1\tab}\pard\plain \s3\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl3\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 {\pntxtb .}}\b\f4  {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210887}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211069}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212837}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213024}
{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214913}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215642}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215818}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218484}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219143}Polish Christians{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210887}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211069}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212837}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213024}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214913}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215642}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215818}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218484}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219143}
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard The number of Polish Christians registered at Auschwitz is    given as at 137,000, and "at least" 10,000 more were put   murdered without registration. ({\i Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death    Camp}
, 69-70) Lucas tells us that historians disagree with regard to the total number of Polish Christians killed by   the Nazis, Lukas, 88-95) and Bauer reportedly puts the figure at 83,000. ({\i Steinfels, Peter}
. "Auschwitz Revisionism: An Israeli Scholar's Case," New York Times, 12 Nov. 1989)
\par \pard 
\par {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210888}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211070}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212838}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213025}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214914}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215481}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215643}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215819}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218485}
{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219144}{\pntext\pard\plain\b\f5\fs28\kerning28 5.\tab}\pard\plain \s1\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl1\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 {\pntxta .}}\b\f5\fs28\kerning28 Administration{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210888}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211070}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212838}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213025}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214914}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215481}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215643}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215819}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218485}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219144}
\par {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210889}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211071}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212839}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213026}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214915}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215482}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215644}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215820}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218486}
{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219145}{\pntext\pard\plain\b\i\f5 5.1\tab}\pard\plain \s2\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl2\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 }\b\i\f5 Command Staff{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210889}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211071}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212839}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213026}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214915}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215482}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215644}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215820}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218486}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219145}
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard Fritsch, Hauptsturmfu"hrer (Credited with the first use of Zyklon-B as means of exterminating human subjects. See Breitman, 202)
\par \pard 
\par Grabner, Maximillian. Head of Political Department
\par \pard 
Ho"ss, Rudolf Franz (1900-1947).  Ho"ss joined the Nazi party in 1922.  In 1923, he was implicated in a murder and imprisoned to serve a life sentence.  He was released as a result of a general amnesty, in 1928.  After training during service at Dachau an
d Sachsenhausen, he was rewarded for his loyalty with a promotion to the rank of SS-Hauptsturmfu"hrer (see Glossary) and the commandant's job at Auschw
itz, where he remained until December of 1943, when he was promoted to chief of the Central Administration for Camps.  ({\i Sachar}. {\ul Get pub/people/h/hoess.rudolf.ferdinand/hoess.01, hoess.02, hoess.03}
) According to Snyder, " He performed his job so well that he was commended in a 1944 SS report that called him "a true pioneer in this area because of his new ideas and educational methods." 
\par \pard 
\par \pard Ho"ss was captured in May, 1945, and was a key witness at Nuremberg (Kaltenbrunner, I.G.  Farben et al).  During this period, he wrote his autobiography, "{\i Commandant of Auschwitz: Autobiography of Rudolf Hoess}
." (Cleveland: World Publishing, 1959) His statement is available in the original German text, and in English translation. ({\ul Get ~/hoess.statemen})
\par \pard 
\par \pard 
According to Sachar, he, "...took pride in his exemplary family life, the devotion to his children and his pets.  He recalled, wistfully, how he had been obliged to tear himself away from a Christmas gathering to attend to duties at the gas chambers.  The
 daily death quota then
 was still a mere 1,500, but he was eager to make sure it was met.  When one of his lieutenants was condemned to death for his part in the Auschwitz murders, Hoess and his family lamented `Such a compassionate man, too.  When his pet canary died, he tende
rly put the body in a small box, covered it with a rose, and buried it under a rose bush in the garden.'({\i Ho"ss}, 25)({\i Sachar})
\par \pard 
\par \pard During his trial, the evidence "...repeated...what he had written..." in his autobiography.  "He described, with the dispassion of a
 robot, how he had gradually stepped up executions, beginning with a few hundred a day and then, as methods were perfected, rising to 1,200. By mid-1942, facilities had been sufficiently enlarged to dispatch 1,500 people over a twenty-four-hour period for
 the smaller ovens, and up to 2,500 for the larger ones.  By 1943, ...  a new daily peak of 12,000 was achieved.  Hoess described the final routines of the extermination process.  These were assigned to squads of Jewish prisoners, the Sondercommandos.  Th
 marched the victims to the gas chambers, helped to undress them, removed the corpses after the gassing, extracted gold from their teeth and rings from their fingers, searched the orifices of their bodies for hidden jewelry, cut off the hair of the women,
 and then carted the bodies to the crematoria.  Usually after several weeks of such service they were executed, first because they were Jews but also so that they would not be witnesses if ever testimony were required." ({\i Sachar})
\par \pard 
\par \pard Ho"ss was tried in Warsaw, in March, 1947, and condemned to death. (Hanged on April 7 at Auschwitz.)
\par \pard 
\par Kramer, Josef. Commandant at Birkenau. 
\par Mandel, Maria.  Head of the women's camp at Auschwitz after serving at Ravensbruck.  
\par {\pntext\pard\plain\b\i\f5 5.2\tab}\pard\plain \s2\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl2\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 }\b\i\f5  {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210890}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211072}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212840}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213027}
{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214916}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215483}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215645}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215821}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218487}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219146}Medical Staff{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210890}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211072}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212840}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213027}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214916}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215483}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215645}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215821}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218487}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219146}
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard Testimony from German court records relating to the trials of SS men charged with medical killing at Auschwitz is now available from our archives. The source for this data, Nauman, is listed in Section 6.1, Recommended Reading. ({\ul 
Get pub/camps/auschwitz/auschwitz.010})
\par \pard 
\par \pard Clauberg, Karl.  Pursued his experiments on live specimens in Auschwitz. Involved in sterilization projects there. ({\i Laska}, 222)
\par \pard 
\par Dr. Wladyslav Dering. Dering was a Polish prisoner
\par Dr. Entress
\par \pard Gebhardt, Karl. Involved in vivisection projects at both Ravensbruck and Auschwitz. Shot as war criminal in 1948. ({\i Laska}, 225)
\par \pard 
\par Hantl
\par Klehr
\par \pard Kremer, Johannes Paul. Vivisection. Hanged. ({\i Klee}, 258)
\par \pard 
\par \pard Mengele, Josef (1911- ?). Mengele was appointed chief doctor at Auschwitz by Himmler in 1943. He joined Drs. Klein, Koenig, and Thilon in running the selection process. Bibliography: {\i Gerald L. Posner and John Ware, "Mengele: The Complete Story",
} New York,  McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1986.({\i Snyder}) Mengele is believed dead, but his fate remains unknown. (See the 1991 "{\i Children of the Flames}," for citations regarding Mengele's experimentation on twins)
\par \pard 
\par Muench, Hans. SS Untersturmfuehrer.
\par \pard The doctor and former SS-Untersturmfuehrer Hans Muench was among  the 40 members of the Auschwitz camp personnel indicted and tried  in Krakow in Poland 1946-1947. The trial led to some 20 death  sentences, but Muench was acquitted. 
\par \pard 
\par \pard 
He had taken part in gassings but had refused to assist in the  so-called selections. Some ex-prisoners also testified in his  favour. After his release, Muench returned to Germany where he  continued his medical practice. In 1964 he testified at the  Aus
chwitz trial in Frankfurt am Main. He agreed to an interview  with Swedish television in 1981, against the wish of his family.  It has been broadcasted twice on Swedish TV, in 1982 and 1992
.  A translation of this television interview may be found at, in the directory {\ul pub/people/m/muench.hans}, as {\ul swedish-television-interview}
 (our thanks to a Swedish user for providing this text). Snippets from court testimony are also available in the same directory.
\par \pard 
\par Oberhauser, Herta.
\par Scherpe
\par Schumann, Horst. 
\par {\pntext\pard\plain\b\i\f5 5.3\tab}\pard\plain \s2\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl2\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 }\b\i\f5 \page  {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210891}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211073}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212841}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213028}
{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214917}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215484}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215646}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215822}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218488}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219147}Selection{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210891}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211073}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212841}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213028}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214917}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215484}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215646}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215822}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218488}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219147}
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard In a report entitled "Resettlement of Jews," SS-Sturmbannfu"hrer Gricksch provided the following information for SS-Col. von Herff and Reichsfu"hrer-SS Himmler, after inspection between the 14th. and 16th. of May, 1943. ({\i Fleming}, 142)
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
The Auschwitz camp plays a special role in the resolution of the Jewish question.  The most advance methods permit the execution of the Fuehrer-order in the shortest possible time and without arousing much attention.  The so-called "resettlement action" r
uns the following course: The Jews arrive in special trains (freight cars) toward evening and are driven on special tracks to areas of the camp specifically set aside for this purpose.
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 T
here the Jews are unloaded and examined for their fitness to work by a team of doctors, in the presence of the camp commandant and several SS officers.  At this point anyone who can somehow be incorporated into the work program is put in a special camp.  
The curable ill are sent straight to a medical camp and are restored to health through a special diet.  The basic principle behind everything is: conserve all manpower for work.  The previous type of "resettlement action" has been thoroughly rejected, sin
ce it is too costly to destroy precious work energy on a continual basis.
\par \pard 
\par \pard The report then describes the fate of those unlucky enough to have been considered incurably ill or unfit for slave labour, and provides some details with regard to the killing process.  
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 The results of this "resettlement action" to date: 500,000 Jews. Current capacity of the "resettlement action" ovens: 10,000 in 24 hours.
\par {\pntext\pard\plain\b\i\f5 5.4\tab}\pard\plain \s2\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl2\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 }\b\i\f5  {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210892}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211074}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212842}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213029}
{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214918}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215485}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215647}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215823}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218489}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219148}Tattooing{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210892}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211074}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212842}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213029}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214918}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215485}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215647}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215823}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218489}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219148}
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard Buszko (see above), writing in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, explains why some prisoners were tattooed, while others were not:
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
Prisoners were registered and received numbers tattooed on their left arm upon leaving the quarantine in Birkenau for forced labor in Auschwitz or in one of the subcamps.  The same procedure applied to those prisoners who were directed straight to Auschwi
tz I: 405,000 prisoners were registered in this way. [Ed.  Note: Buszko later notes that only 65,000 of those so registered and tattooed survived.  knm] Not included in any form of registration were the vast majority of the 
Auschwitz victims, those men and women who, upon arrival in Auschwitz II, were led to the gas chambers and killed there immediately. Also not included in the registration were those prisoners who were sent to work in other concentration camps not belongin
g to the Auschwitz system.  ...  Still another group of unregistered prisoners were those who were designated for execution after a short stay in the camp.  That group consisted mainly of hostages, Soviet army officers, and partisans." ({\i 
Encyclopedia, Vol. I}, 110-111)
\par {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210893}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211075}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212843}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213030}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214919}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215486}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215648}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215824}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218490}
{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219149}{\pntext\pard\plain\b\i\f5 5.5\tab}\pard\plain \s2\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl2\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 }\b\i\f5 Medical Experimentation{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210893}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211075}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212843}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213030}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214919}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215486}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215648}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215824}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218490}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219149}
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard 
Several of the seventy or more medical-research projects conducted by the Nazis between the fall of 1939 and spring of 1945 were conducted at Auschwitz.  These projects involved experiments conducted with human beings against their will, and at least seve
n thousand were so treated, based upon existing documents and personal testimonies; there were undoubtedly many more for which no documentation or personal testimony remains. 
\par \pard 
\par \pard About two hundred German medical doctors wer
e involved in the concentration camp experiments, conducting 'Selektionen,' medical services, and research.  They maintained close professional ties with the German medical establishment, and used the universities and research institutes in Germany and Au
stria in their work.
\par \pard 
\par \pard Dr.  Ernst Robert Grawitz, SS Chief Medical Officer, received all requests for authority to perform experimentation, and obtained two opinions before passing them to Himmler with his recommendation.
\par \pard 
\par \pard Grawitz used Dr.  Karl Gebhardt, Himmler's personal physician, for one opinion, and Richard Glu"cks and Arthur Nebe for the other.  He then passed his report to Himmler, who took great interest in the experiments and often interfered with them.

\par \pard 
\par \pard 
There were three broad classes of experiments.  The German Air Force conducted experiments at Dachau (and elsewhere) dealing with survival and rescue, including research into the effects of high altitude, freezing temperatures, and the ingestion of seawat
\par \pard 
\par \pard Medical treatment constituted a second class, and involved research into the treatment of battle injuries, gas attacks, and the formulation of immunization compounds to treat contagious and epidemic diseases.
\par \pard 
\par \pard Finally, there were racial experiments, including research into dwarfs and twins, serological research, and skeletal examination.  It is this class of horrors that returns us to Auschwitz. ({\i Encyclopedia, Vol.  3}, 957-958)
\par \pard 
\par \pard During his interrogation of Adolf Eichmann, Israeli police Captain Avner Less brought up the subject of Eichmann's compl
icity in medical 'research' projects which had been approved by the Reichsfu"hrer-SS, Heinrich Himmler, and read three documents to him. What follows is the text of Less's interrogation at that point...
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
LESS: I have some photostats of documents that were submitted in the first Nuremberg war crimes trial, the trial of the physicians.  The sender of this letter is the business manager of Ahnenerbe.  I'll read it to you.  "Berlin, November 2, 1942. Secret. 
 To SS-Obersturmbannfu"hrer Dr.  Brandt.  Dear Comrad
e Brandt: As you know, the Reichsfu"hrer-SS gave orders some time ago to the effect that SS-Hauptsturmfu"hrer Prof.  Dr.  Hirt should be supplied with everything he requires for his research. For certain anthropological investigations -- I have already re
ported to the Reichsfu"hrer-SS on the subject -- 150 skeletons of prisoners or Jews are needed, and these are to be made available by the Auschwitz concentration camp." Etc.  etc.  It's signed: "With comradely greetings, Heil Hitler, Yours, Sievers."

\par \pard \li720\ri720 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 The s
econd document is a report by this Professor Hirt.  "Re: Procurement of the skulls of Jewish-Bolshevistic commissars for scientific research at the University of Strassburg." I quote: "Extensive skull collections from nearly all races and people are in ex
istence.  It is only of Jews that so few skulls are available to science that work on them admits of no secure findings.  The war in the East now offers us an opportunity to make good this deficiency.  In the Jewish-Bolshevistic commissars, who embody a r
ulsive and characteristic type of subhuman, we have the possibility of acquiring a reliable scientific document by acquiring their skulls.  The smoothest and most expeditious way of obtaining and securing this provision of skulls would be to instruct the 
Wehrmacht to hand over all Jewish-Bolshevistic commissars immediately to the military police.  The person charged with securing this material (a young physician or medical student belonging to the Werhmacht or better still to the military police) is to pr
are a previously specified series of photographs and anthropological measurements.  After the subsequently induced death of the Jew, whose head must not be injured, he will separate the head from the trunk and send it, immersed in a preserving fluid, in w
ell-sealed lead containers made especially for this purpose, to the designated address."
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 And now the next document.  A letter of June 21, 1943.  From Ahnenerbe.  Top secret.  "To Reich Security Headquarters IVB4, Attention: SS-Obersturmfu"hrer Eichmann.  R
e: Skeleton collection.  With reference to your letter of September 25, 1942, and the consultations held since then regarding the above-mentioned matter, we wish to inform you that Dr.  Bruno Beger, our staff member charged with the above-mentioned specia
l mission, terminated his work in the Auschwitz concentration camp on June 15, 1943, because of the danger of an epidemic.  In all, 115 persons, 79 male Jews, 2 Poles, 4 Central Asians, and 30 Jewesses, were processed.  These inmates have been placed, men
nd women separately, in the concentration-camp sick quarters, and quarantined.  For the further processing of these selected persons, immediate transfer to Natzweiler concentration camp is desirable and should be effected as quickly as possible in view of
 the danger of infection in Auschwitz.  A list of the selected persons is appended.  You are requested to send the necessary instructions."
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 And now for the last document.  "The Reichsfu"hrer-SS Personal Staff, Field Headquarters, November 6, 1942.  Secret.
  To Reich Security Headquarters IVB4.  Attention: SS-Obersturmfu"hrer Eichmann.  The Reichsfu"hrer-SS has ordered that Dr.  Hirt, head of the Anatomy Department in Strassburg, should be supplied with everything needed for his research.  In the name of th
e Reichsfu"hrer-SS, I therefore request you to help establish the projected skeleton collection.  per.  proc. SS-Obersturmbannfu"hrer Brandt." (von Lang, 169-171)
\par \pard 
\par \pard Thus the German government's full complicity in the crimes committed at Auschwitz under the guise of "medical research" is clear, with a chain of evidence reaching all the way to Himmler.  
\par {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210894}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211076}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212844}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213031}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214920}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215649}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215825}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218491}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219150}
{\pntext\pard\plain\b 5.5.1\tab}\pard\plain \s3\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl3\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 {\pntxtb .}}\b\f4 Clauberg{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210894}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211076}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212844}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213031}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214920}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215649}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215825}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218491}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219150}
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard 
Professor Carl Clauberg performed experiments into sterilization at both Auschwitz and Ravensbru"ck.  This was done on Hitler's initiative, as he had been convinced by several doctors that mass sterilization could provide a powerful weapon against Germany
's enemies during total war.
\par \pard 
\par \pard Clauberg injected chemical substances into wombs during normal gynecological examinations. Thousands of Jewish and Gypsy
 women were subjected to this treatment. Clauberg sought to answer Himmler's query about how long it would take to sterilize one thousand women, and eventually informed him that, using methods he developed, a staff of one doctor and ten assistants could d
o the job in a single day. The injections totally destroyed the lining membrane of the womb and seriously damaged the ovaries of the victims, which were then removed and sent to Berlin to test the effectiveness of the method. ({\i Encyclopedia, Vol. 3}
, 964)
\par {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210895}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211077}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212845}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213032}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214921}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215650}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215826}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218492}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219151}
{\pntext\pard\plain\b 5.5.2\tab}\pard\plain \s3\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl3\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 {\pntxtb .}}\b\f4 Mandel{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210895}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211077}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212845}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213032}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214921}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215650}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215826}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218492}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219151} 
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
...  after Ravensbruck ...  was the head of the women's camp at Auschwitz; the prisoners referred to her as `the beast.' For her share in the selections for the gas chambers and medical experiments and for her torture of countless prisoners, she was conde
mned to death in 1947 as a war criminal. ({\i Laska})
\par {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210896}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211078}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212846}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213033}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214922}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215651}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215827}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218493}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219152}
{\pntext\pard\plain\b 5.5.3\tab}\pard\plain \s3\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl3\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 {\pntxtb .}}\b\f4 Mengele{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210896}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211078}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212846}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213033}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214922}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215651}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215827}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218493}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219152}
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard Mengele promoted medical experimentation on inmates, especially dwarfs and twins.  He is said to have supervised an operation by which two Gypsy children were sewn together to create Siamese tw
ins; the hands of the children became badly infected where the veins had been resected.  ({\i Snyder}) 
\par \pard 
\par \pard 
Cohen tells us: "The only firsthand evidence on these experiments comes from a handful of survivors and from a Jewish doctor, Miklos Nyiszli, who worked under Mengele as a pathologist. Mengele subjected his victims - twins and dwarfs aged two and above - 
to clinical examinations, blood tests, X rays, and anthropological measurements. In the case of the twins, he drew sketches of each twin, for comparison. He 
also injected his victims with various substances, dripping chemicals into their eyes (apparently in an attempt to change their color). He then killed them himself by injecting chloroform into their hearts, so as to carry out comparative pathological exam
inations of their internal organs. Mengele's purpose, according to Dr. Nyiszli, was to establish the genetic cause for the birth of twins, in order to facilitate the formulation of a program for doubling the birthrate of the 'Aryan' race. The experiments 
on twins affected 180 persons, adults and children.
\par \pard 
\par \pard 
Mengele also carried out a large number of experiments in the field of contagious diseases, (typhoid and tuberculosis) to find out how human beings of different races withstood these diseases. He used Gypsy twins for this purpose. Mengele's experiments co
mbined scientific (perhaps even important) research with the racist and ideological aims of the Nazi regime. which made use of government offices, scientific institutions, and concentration camps. From the 
scanty information available, it appears that his research differed from the other medical experiments in that the victims' death was programmed into his experiments and formed a central element in it." ({\i Encyclopedia, Vol. 3}, 964)
\par {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210897}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211079}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212847}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213034}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214923}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215652}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215828}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218494}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219153}
{\pntext\pard\plain\b 5.5.4\tab}\pard\plain \s3\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl3\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 {\pntxtb .}}\b\f4 Oberhauser{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210897}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211079}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212847}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213034}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214923}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215652}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215828}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218494}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219153}
\par \pard\plain \li720\ri720 \f5\fs20 
Dr.  Herta Oberhauser killed prisoners with oil and evipan injections, removed their limbs and vital organs, rubbed ground glass and sawdust into wounds.  She drew a twenty-year sentence as a war criminal, but was released in 1952 and became a family doct
or at Stocksee in Germany.  Her license to practice medicine was revoked in 1960.  ({\i Laska}, 223)
\par {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210898}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211080}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212848}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213035}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214924}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215653}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215829}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218495}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219154}
{\pntext\pard\plain\b 5.5.5\tab}\pard\plain \s3\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl3\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 {\pntxtb .}}\b\f4 Schumann{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210898}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211080}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212848}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213035}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214924}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215653}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215829}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218495}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219154}
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard Himmler, writing to SS-Oberfu"hrer Brack, on August 11, 1942, expressed an interest in sterilization experiments involving the use of x-rays ({\ul Get pub/camps/auschwitz/sterilization}
). In April of 1944, he received a report of the work of Dr. Horst Schumann "on the influence of X-rays on human genital glands" at Auschwitz. The report included the following statement:
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 Previously you have asked Oberfuehrer Brack to perfor
m this work, and you supported it by providing the adequate material in the concentration camp Auschwitz.  I point especially to the second part of this work, which shows that by those means castration of males is almost impossible or requires an effort w
hich does not pay.  As I have convinced myself, operative castration requires not more than 6 to 7 minutes, and therefore can be performed more reliably and quicker than castration by X-rays.
\par \pard 
\par \pard Schumann set up an X ray station at Auschwitz in 1942, in the wo
man's camp Bla.  Here men and women were forcibly sterilized by being positioned repeatedly for several minutes between two x-ray machines, the rays aiming at their sexual organs.  Most subjects died after great suffering, or were gassed immediately becau
se the radiation burns from which they suffered rendered them unfit for work.  Men's testicles were removed and sent to Breslau for histopathological examination.  The frequently following ovariotomies were performed also by the Polish prisoner, Dr.  Wlad
lav Dering.  Dering once bet with an SS man that he could perform ten ovariotomies in an afternoon, and won his bet.  Some of his victims survived.  Dering was declared a war criminal but eluded justice and for a time practiced medicine in British Somalil
and. ({\i Laska}, 223. {\i Encyclopedia,  Vol.} 3, 965)
\par {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210899}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211081}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212849}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213036}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214925}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215487}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215654}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215830}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218496}
{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219155}{\pntext\pard\plain\b\f5\fs28\kerning28 6.\tab}\pard\plain \s1\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl1\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 {\pntxta .}}\b\f5\fs28\kerning28 Research Materials & Sources{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210899}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211081}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212849}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213036}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214925}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215487}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215654}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215830}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218496}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219155}
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard Vera Laska notes that there are over ten-thousand printed sources relating to Auschwitz alone, and offers this guidance for those pursuing  Holocaust research: 
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 Yad Vashem Martyrs'
 and Heroes' Memorial Authority in Jerusalem is a depository of documents and memoirs on the Holocaust, mostly in German, Hebrew and Yiddish.  It also issues the Yad Vashem Studies on the European Jewish Catastrophe and Resistance. (The 1991 Yad Vashem En
glish publications guide is now included in the Holocaust Almanac bibliographies. {\ul Get pub/holocaust/bibliography/biblio.05})
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 The Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine in Paris and the Wiener Library in London are major sources of information. The Wien
er Library's catalogue series published a bibliography, Persecution and Resistance Under the Nazis (London: Valentine, Mitchell, 1960).  ...
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
In the United States the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research (1048 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10028) houses several collections of ghetto documents and related primary source materials.  It publishes the YIVO Annual of Jewish Social Science.  Since 1960,
 Yad Vashem* and the YIVO** Institute have been engaged in preparing a multivolume bibliographical series on the Holocaust; one of the volumes, Jacob Robinson, ed., {\i The Holocaust and After: Sources and Literature in English}
 (Jerusalem: Israel University Press, 1973) is most helpful.
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720 *  (URL: http:/
\par \pard \li720 ** (URL:
\par \pard 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (823 United Nations Plaza, New York, N.Y.  10017) supplies teaching materials at reasonable prices, for instance The Record - The Holocaust in History, 1933-1945, published in cooperation with the National Counci
l for Social Studies in 1978.
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
\par \pard \li720\ri720 
The Library of Congress and the National Archives are rich sources for researchers, containing among others the transcripts of war crime trials.  This in itself is an immense documentation; for instance, the Nuremberg Doctors' Trial of twenty-three defend
ants alone takes up 11,538 pages in nineteen volumes.  Indexes can be consulted about various concentration camps. 
\par \pard 
\par \pard In addition to the massive amount of information Laska notes, additional bibliographic sources are available t
hrough the Holocaust bibliographic files available on and elsewhere.  In particular, see the list of major research centres listed in HOLOCAUST/EDUCATION RESEARCH.CNTRS, which was added to our archives in December, 1994.
\par {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210900}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211082}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212850}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213037}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214926}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215488}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215655}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215831}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218497}
{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219156}{\pntext\pard\plain\b\i\f5 6.1\tab}\pard\plain \s2\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl2\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 }\b\i\f5 Recommended Reading{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210900}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211082}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212850}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213037}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214926}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215488}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215655}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215831}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218497}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219156}
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard Our Holocaust archives are available via InterNet Gopher. To access this service, use the command "gopher". The archives are also available via World Wide Web (URL: {\b}) and anonymous ftp ({\b}).
\par \pard 
\par Suggested reading related to Auschwitz, from the Encyclopedia of the  Holocaust and elsewhere:
\par \pard Brugioni, Dino A., and Robert G. Poirier. The Holocaust Revisited:  A  Retrospective Analysis of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Extermination Complex.(Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, D.C.) February 1979.
\par \pard 
\par \pard The paper includes aerial photographs of the Auschwitz-Birkenau complex in operation during WWII.  A summary of their analysis is included in the paper.  These photos corroborate eyewitness accounts/Nazi documentation on camp operations.
\par \pard 
\par  You can obtain a copy from the US gov't through the following sources:
\par         National Technical Information Service
\par         5285 Port Royal Road
\par         Springfield, VA 22161
\par or:
\par         Photoduplication Service
\par         Library of Congress
\par         Washington, D.C. 20540
\par \pard Use the report number(#st 79-10001) and the document number (NTISUBE28002) to speed service along.  The document # is particularly important.
\par \pard 
\par \pard Brewster, Eva. Vanished in Darkness. Edmonton: NeWest Publishers Limited, 1984. (First-person account of life within Auschwitz)
\par \pard 
\par \pard Friedman, P. "Crimes in the Name of Science," in "Roads to Extinction: Essays on the Holocaust." Edited by A.J. Friedman. Philadelphia, 1980
\par \pard 
\par Gilbert, M. Auschwitz and the Allies. New York, 1981
\par \pard Gutman, Y., and A. Saf, eds. The Nazi Concentration Camps: Structure and Aims; The Image of the Prisoner; The Jews in the Camps. Proceedings of the Fourth Yad Vashem International Historical Conference. Jerusalem, 1984
\par \pard 
\par Ho"ss, R. Commandant of Auschwitz. London, 1959
\par \pard Ja"ckel, Eberhard, and H. David Kirk, trans. David Irving's Hitler. Port Angeles, Washington: Ben-Simon Publications, 1993
\par \pard 
\par Kielar, W. Anus Mundi: Fifteen Hundred Days in Auschwitz-Birkenau. New York, 1980
\par Kudlien, F., ed. A"rzte im Nationalsoczialismus. Cologne, 1985
\par \pard Lagnato, Lucette Matalon and Sheila Cohn Dekel. Children of the Flames. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1991 (Mengele's experimentation with twins at Auschwitz)
\par \pard 
\par Langbein, H. Auschwitz-Prozess: Eine Dokumentation. 2 Vols. Vienna, 1965
\par Langbein, H. Menschen in Auschwitz. Vienna, 1972
\par Lifton, R.J. The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychiatry of Genocide." New York, 1986
\par Levi, P. Survival in Auschwitz: The Nazi Assault on Humanity. New York, 1981
\par Lukowski, J. Bibliografia obozu koncentracyjnego Oswiecim-Brzezinka. 5 vols. Warsaw, 1970
\par Mark, B. The Scrolls of Auschwitz. Tel Aviv, 1985
\par Mitscherlich, A., and F. Mielke. Doctors of Infamy: The Story of Medical Crimes. New York, 1949
\par \pard Mu"ller, Filip. Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers. New York: Stein and Day, 1979
\par \pard 
\par \pard Nauman, Bernd.  Auschwitz: A Report on The Procedings Against Robert Karl Ludwig Mulka and Others Before the Court at Frankfurt. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1966
\par \pard 
\par Proctor, R. Racial Hygiene: Medicine under the Nazis. Cambridge, Mass., 1988
\par \pard Keys, Laurinda. Death Books of Auschwitz. K.G. Saur, 1995. (See {\ul pub/camps/auschwitz/press/death-books.001/002} for information concerning the release of this work.)
\par \pard 
\par \pard Social Studies School Services offers an extensive list of teachingmaterials dealing with the Holocaust, and Auschwitz.  For a list ofbooks, videotapes, and photo histories, {\ul get pub/holocaust/bibliographies/ssss.books-1}
 and holocaust particular interest are the videotapes "Kitty: Return to Auschwitz," "Nazi Concentration Camps," the official film record of the Nazi death camps as photographed by Allied liberation forces in 1945, and "Holocaust: Liberation
 of Auschwitz."
\par {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210901}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211083}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212851}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213038}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214927}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215489}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215656}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215832}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218498}
{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219157}{\pntext\pard\plain\b\i\f5 6.2\tab}\pard\plain \s2\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl2\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 }\b\i\f5 Abbreviations Used in Citations{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210901}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211083}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212851}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213038}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214927}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215489}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215656}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215832}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218498}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219157}  
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard The following abbreviations may be used throughout this document:
\par IFZ\tab \tab Institut fu"r Zeitgeschichte, Munich
\par IRR\tab \tab Investigative Repository Records
\par NA\tab \tab United States National Archives
\par RG 59\tab \tab NA Diplomatic Records
\par RG 84\tab \tab Washington National Records Center, Diplomatic Post Records
\par RG 153\tab \tab Washington National Records Center, 
\par \tab \tab Records of the Office of the (Army) Judge Advocate
\par RG 165\tab \tab Records of the War Department General and Special Staffs,
\par \tab \tab Washington National Records Center
\par RG 208\tab \tab Office of War Information Records, Washington National Records Center
\par RG 226\tab \tab Office of Strategic Services Records
\par RG 238\tab \tab War Crimes
\par \tab \tab EC Series
\par \tab \tab NG\tab Microfilm T-1139
\par \tab \tab NI\tab Microfilm T-301
\par \tab \tab NO Series
\par \tab \tab NOKW Series
\par \tab \tab PS Series
\par RG 242\tab \tab NA Record Group 242 - Captured German Records
\par RG 319\tab \tab Records of the Army Staff
\par T\tab \tab NA Microfilm Series
\par \pard If you note any that are not explained above, please let me know, and I will try to run them down for you.
\par {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210902}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211084}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212852}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213039}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214928}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215490}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215657}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215833}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218499}
{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219158}{\pntext\pard\plain\b\i\f5 6.3\tab}\pard\plain \s2\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl2\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 }\b\i\f5 Glossary{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210902}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211084}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212852}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213039}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214928}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215490}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215657}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215833}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218499}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219158}
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 {\b Ahnenerbe:} [Ancestral Heritage], The Institute for the ScientificStudy of Ends and Purposes, located in Berlin. (Getpub/people/e/eichmann.adolf/eichmann.006)
\par \pard 
\par \pard {\b Einsatzgruppe:}
 Battalion-sized, mobile, armed unit of police Einsatzgruppen: Battalion-sized, mobile, armed units of police, primarily Security Police and SD officials, which were used to attack and execute perceived enemies in conquered territories. ({\i Brietman}
, 311)
\par \pard 
\par \pard {\b Einsatzkommando:} Company-sized component of the Einsatzgruppen ({\i Ibid}., 311)
\par \pard 
\par \pard {\b Gauleiter:} Supreme territorial or regional party authority(-ies)(The term is both singular and plural). The Nazi Party dividedGermany and some annexed territories into geographical units called Gaue, headed by a Gauleiter. ({\i Ibid.,} 311)

\par \pard 
\par \pard {\b General Government}: The Nazi-ruled state in central and eastern Poland. Headed by Governor Hans Frank. ({\i Ibid.,} 311)
\par \pard {\b 
\par Final Solution}: Euphemism for the extermination of European Jewry
\par {\b 
\par SD (Sicherheitsdienst):} The SS Security Service
\par \pard 
\par \pard {\b Selektionen:} (Selection) The process by which newly-arrived prisoners were divided into those capable of work, and those deemed unfit for work, i.e. those to be exterminated immediately.
\par \pard 
\par \pard {\b Sonderkommandos:} Division of Einsatzgruppen, generally smaller than Einsatzkommando, but also a more general term for special commando units assigned particular functions. ({\i Ibid.,} 311)
\par \pard 
\par \pard Military rank - here's a list from {\i Breitman} (314) which lists SS ranks and the Western military equivalent:
\par \pard 
\par    Oberstgruppenfu"hrer\tab \tab \tab General
\par    Obergruppenfu"hrer \tab \tab \tab Lieutenant General
\par    Gruppenfu"hrer \tab \tab \tab Major General
\par    Brigadefu"hrer \tab \tab \tab Brigadier General
\par    Oberfu"hrer \tab \tab \tab \tab between Brigadier & Colonel
\par    Standartenfu"hrer             \tab \tab Colonel
\par    Obersturmbannfu"hrer          \tab \tab Lieutenant Colonel
\par    Sturmbannfu"hrer              \tab \tab Major
\par    Hauptsturmfu"hrer             \tab \tab Captain
\par    Obersturmfu"hrer              \tab \tab First Lieutenant
\par    Unterscharfu"hrer             \tab \tab Corporal
\par    Rottenfu"hrer                 \tab \tab Private, First Class
\par    Sturmann                      \tab \tab Private
\par    SS-Mann                       \tab \tab no equivalent
\par {\*\bkmkstart _Toc361210903}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361211085}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361212853}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361213040}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361214929}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215491}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215658}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361215834}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361218500}
{\*\bkmkstart _Toc361219159}{\pntext\pard\plain\b\i\f5 6.4\tab}\pard\plain \s2\sb240\sa60\keepn{\*\pn \pnlvl2\pndec\pnprev1\pnstart1\pnsp144 }\b\i\f5 Works Cited{\*\bkmkend _Toc361210903}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361211085}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361212853}
{\*\bkmkend _Toc361213040}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361214929}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215491}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215658}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361215834}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361218500}{\*\bkmkend _Toc361219159}
\par \pard\plain \f5\fs20 
\par \pard Borkin, Joseph. The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben. New York: 
\par    The Free Press, 1978, and London: Macmillan Publishing Company. 
\par Breitman, Richard. The Architect of Genocide: Himmler and the Final
\par    Solution. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1991. 
\par Bubenickova, Ruzena. Tabory utrpeni a smrti. (Camps of Martyrdom and
\par    Death) Prague: Svoboda, 1969
\par Conot, Robert E. Justice at Nuremberg. 
\par    New York: Harper and Row, 1983.  ISBN 0-06-015117-X
\par Encyclopedia - See Gutman
\par Feig, Konnilyn G. Hitler's Death Camps. LOC D810.J4 F36, 1981
\par Fenelon, Fania, with Marcelle Routier.  Playing For Time.
\par    New York:Athenium, 1977.  ISBN 0-689-10796-X 
\par Fleming, Gerald. Hitler and the Final Solution. Berkeley, 1984
\par Foner, Samuel P.  "Major Historical Fact Uncovered" SPOTLIGHT
\par    Vol.  XIX, Number 2, January 11, 1993) 
\par Gilbert, Martin. The Holocaust, Maps and Photographs. 
\par    New York: Mayflower Books, 1978. 
\par Gutman, Israel, ed. in Chief, et al. Encyclopedia of the
\par    Holocaust. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1990. ISBN 0-02-
\par    896090-4 (set) (Referenced in this FAQ as "Encyclopedia")
\par Ho"ss, Rudolf. Commandant of Auschwitz: Autobiography of Rudolf Hoess.
\par    (As quoted in Sachar)
\par Hilberg, Raul.  Commandant of Auschwitz (London: Weidenfeld and
\par    Nicholson, 1959)
\par Hilberg, Raul. The Destruction of the European Jews. Holmes & Meier,
\par    1985. See 967-976.
\par IFZ. The Institut Fuer Zeitgeschicthe, Munich, as quoted in their
\par    letter to Dr. Keren, March, 1992 
\par Kenrick, Donald, and Grattan Puxon. Destiny of Europe's Gypsies.
\par    New York: Basic Books, 1972, as cited in Laska
\par Klarsfield, Serge. The Holocaust and Neo-Nazi Mythomania, as quoted
\par    in Feig.
\par Klee, Ernst, Willi Dressen, and Volker Riess, eds. 
\par    `The Good Old Days' -- The Holocaust as Seen by Its Perpetrators and 
\par    Bystanders. Forward by H. Trevor-Roper. The Free Press, A division of
\par    Macmillan, Inc, 1988, ISBN 0-02-917425-2
\par Langbein. Der Auschwitz Prozess. Vol. I, as quoted in Pressac.
\par Laska, Vera, ed.  Women in the Resistance and in the Holocaust: The
\par    Voices of Eyewitnesses.  London: Greenwood Press, 1983.  LOC 82-12018,
\par    ISBN 0-313-23457-4
\par Lengyel, Olga. Five Chimneys. Chicago: Ziff-Davis, 1947, as cited in
\par    Hilberg. 
\par Lukas, Richard C. "The Polish Experience during the Holocaust"  in
\par    Michael Berenbaum, ed.  A Mosaic of Victims: Non-Jews Persecuted and
\par    Murdered by the Nazis (New York : New York University Press, 1990)
\par Mu"ller, Filip.  "Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas
\par    Chambers", as cited by both Feig and Hilberg.  Museum w Oswiecimu.
\par    "KL Auschwitz seen by the SS Hoess, Broad, Kremer," 2nd.  ed., 1978
\par Naumann,. Auschwitz.
\par Nurowski, Roman. 1939-1945: War Losses in Poland (Poznan, 1960),
\par    as cited in Lukas.
\par Poliakov, Leon.  Harvest of Hate: The Nazi Program for the
\par    Destruction of the Jews of Europe.  Syracuse University Press.,
\par    1956.
\par Pressac, J. C. Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers.
\par    New York: Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, 1989
\par Rogers, Perry M., ed. Aspects of Western Civilization
\par Sachar, Abram L. The Redemption of the Unwanted. New York: 
\par    St. Martin's/Marek, 1983.
\par Snyder, Dr. Louis L. Encyclopedia of the Third Reich. (New York: Paragon
\par    House, 1989.) 
\par Steinfels, Peter. "Auschwitz Revisionism:  An Israeli Scholar's Case," 
\par    New York Times, 12 Nov. 1989 
\par von Lang, Jochen, in collaboration with Claus Sibyll. Eichmann
\par    Interrogated: Transcripts from the Archives of the Israeli Police.
\par    Translated from the German by Ralph Manheim. New York: Farrar, Straus
\par    & Giroux, 1983
\par Wiesel, Elie. Night. (New York, 1969), as cited in Hilberg.
\par Yoors, Jan. A Journal of Survival and Resistance in World War II.
\par    New York: Simon & Schuster, 1971, as cited in Laska
\par }

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